Dale Glading's Blog

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Monday, January 29, 2024

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“Incentives matter. The current system incentivizes overspending, so we get overspending.” – Elon Musk

Yesterday, I heard President Biden brag about how he has almost single-handedly reduced the deficit. There are three glaring problems with that assertion.

First, Joe Biden is so decrepit and incompetent that he doesn’t do anything singlehandedly. Second, the primary reason why the deficit fell was because many of the mandatory Covid-relief programs expired. Third, a slightly lower deficit still increases the national debt, which recently crossed the $34 trillion threshold.

The problem with Joe, other career politicians, and the Washington establishment as a whole is that their primary motivation is self-preservation. In other words, they are as farsighted as the next election cycle… and that’s it. Future generations be damned.

Like Elon Musk said in the quote above, the current political system in Washington D.C. – and most state capitals for that matter – is to spend now and figure how to pay for it later. Tragically but predictably, that same mindset has taken root in homes across the fruited plain, resulting in mountains of crushing personal debt.

The solution? Politicians with enough courage to tell the truth to the American people and voters who are smart enough to recognize that truth and reward the truthtellers. Sadly, instead of electing and then re-electing such fiscal heroes (i.e. patriots), voters tend to cast their ballots for the spineless cowards who make promises they can’t keep with money that isn’t theirs.

When will Americans come to the realization that they are being had? Wolves in sheep’s clothing sit on both sides of the congressional aisle and in statehouses across our increasingly insolvent country, buying votes with the taxpayers’ own money.

Wake up, America… you are being played!

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