Why I've Gone Dark
Saturday, September 9, 2017
It has been more than three months since my last political post and I am willing to bet that neither you nor anyone else has even noticed. In fact, I'll even go out on a limb and suggest that your life has continued - minus my sharp wit, biting sarcasm and provocative commentary - without missing a beat.
However, what you might find surprising is that I haven't missed my posts either. That's right; Dale Glading - the political animal since birth - has undergone a bit of a radical transformation.
You can call it a mid-life crisis if you want, but the cold reality is that what happens - or doesn't happen - in Washington or Tallahassee (or Trenton, for my friends back in New Jersey) really doesn't matter as much as we'd like to think it does. And truth be told, I have grown a bit weary of tilting at windmills.
Less than a year ago, I saw a less-than-articulate and somewhat profane businessman get elected president on a platform of "draining the swamp" and "building the wall". But for the past nine months, he and his good intentions have been thwarted at every turn by Democrats who oppose his every move and continue to demonize him in the process. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, he also has been opposed by many members of his own party.
In other words, the swamp refuses to be drained and the wall cannot build itself. Chalk up another win for the establishment... and another loss for the American people.
So what's a guy to do? A guy who loves his country, his family, and his God... in reverse order. Go back to basics and try to make a difference where I can - and where it matters most.
Later this month, I will turn 58. That means that far more of my life is in the rear-view mirror than what I can see through the windshield. And so, taking into consideration my own mortality, I am choosing to focus my time, talents and energies on matters of the gravest importance. Matters that matter for eternity.
First and foremost on that list is souls. Scripture makes it abundantly clear that "it is appointed to men once to die, and then the judgment". That's right, folks; you and I are dying and each day brings us closer to eternity.
With that in mind - and my calling as a minister in hand - I plan to devote the rest of my life to introducing people to Jesus Christ and helping those who already know Him to grow stronger in their faith.
Will I continue to speak out on political issues that I am passionate about? You'd better believe it! Killing unborn babies in their mother's womb is - and always will be - murder. Rejecting God's definitions of marriage and sexuality is an affront to our Creator. Judging people by the color of their skin - black, white or brown - instead of by the content of their character is morally indefensible. And turning our collective backs on Israel - the apple of God's eye - places our nation in serious peril.
Had I been elected to either of the state or federal offices I ran for, I would have tried to address those issues and more from within the political system. However, God - in His infinite wisdom - chose for me not to win, but rather to fight the good fight of faith from the outside. And so, I will continue to pray that He raises up strong Christians as well as competent and morally-grounded non-believers to serve in my stead.
I, in turn, will concentrate on matters of faith - such as people and their eternal destiny. Wish me well.
We have known you for a LONG time and we know that even when you were actively in the political arena you were still actively in the 'presenting the Gospel' arena as well. You have always been faithful to your Lord and Savior and God will continue to be faithful to you. We also will continue to do our small financial part in whatever ministry the Lord calls you and we will continue to do our larger part by upholding you in our prayers. We love you guys and you continue to be a source of 'Faith in action' inspiration for us.
Jim and Marcia Saturday, September 9, 2017
Well said! Thank you for your post. It inspired me. Keep up the good fight and finish the race strong. I'm praying for you brother. May God continue to draw men unto Him through your ministry and passion to serve.
John Chisholm Sunday, September 10, 2017
May God continue to bless you Dale, and I know He will. Sunday, September 10, 2017
IN CHRIST Wednesday, September 13, 2017