Whose statue do we remove next... George Washington's?
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
I have spent the past 30 years of my life ministering to mostly minority men and women in prisons across North America and Africa. I have also led racial reconciliation efforts in my community for much of that time.
I share those simple facts not to pat myself on the back, but merely to point out that I detest racism in every form. However, I think there is more to the recent removal of Confederate statues in New Orleans, Baltimore and other cities than meets the eye.
Was slavery an absolute abomination, the elimination of which required the blood of countless soldiers on both sides of America's Civil War. Absolutely! I cannot think of anything more reprehensible than one human being "owning" another human being... unless it is the extinguishing of an innocent life while still in its mother's womb.
But does that mean that we need to erase every remembrance of the "War Between the States"?
If we say "yes", that statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis are such eyesores - and so offensive - that they need to be removed from every piece of public property across the United States... where does it stop?
After all, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and so did George Washington. Does that mean that we should demolish the Jefferson Memorial and detonate the Washington Monument?
I think the real reason behind the progressive uproar is this: if we can denigrate the reputations and eradicate the memory of important historical figures like Lee and Jackson, many of our Founding Fathers are bound to be next. And when we bring them down, their message and guiding principles come with them.
No, the ultimate targets of the progressives aren't granite statues and bronze tablets. Instead, they will not rest until they so destroy the credibility of our Founders that their words - immortalized in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution - are not only questioned, but also deemed obsolete.
That is the progressives' "end game"... and they will not rest until they accomplish it.
My fellow Americans, we cannot allow that to happen; not on our watch. For the sake of future generations, we must not cede the progressives - who want to rewrite our history, discredit our Founders, and undermine our founding documents - a single inch.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
All good men need do to see evil prevail is
....... nothing. You are doing something.
Thank you for your clarification. Well written as usual. God Bless You! -Rhett Friday, June 2, 2017