Dale Glading's Blog

Who Is to Blame for America’s Downfall… and How Can We Reverse the Decline?

Monday, May 29, 2023

Comments: 3

Unless you have been living under a rock or have spent the past several years in a medically induced coma, you would probably agree that America is on the decline. In fact, multiple polls show that the vast majority of Americans believe that our country is headed in the wrong direction.

Before the final nail is hammered into America’s coffin, let’s take a few minutes to identify what factors are contributing to our national implosion. And more importantly, let’s also consider some concrete steps we can take to right our ship of state before it is too late.

First and foremost, I blame the moral decline that has taken place over the past half century as a direct result of the secularization of our society. Until the mid-60s, the nuclear family was relatively intact, people went to church or synagogue on a regular basis, and our societal institutions – such as the federal government, the educational system, and even the media – were trusted and well-respected. Whether it was the effects of the Vietnam War, Watergate, Roe v. Wade, or the SCOTUS rulings that removed officially sanctioned prayer (1962) and Bible reading (1963) from public schools, the moral fabric of America was torn asunder and has been unraveling ever since.

Turning our backs on our founding Judeo-Christian principles has had a devastating effect. Rampant crime, especially in our inner cities, coupled with soaring drug use and skyrocketing STDs are just a few of the price tags we are now paying for kicking God to the curb. So is child sex trafficking, one of the most reprehensible crimes imaginable. But that’s what you get when God’s name becomes an epithet and the “J-word” sets liberals’ hair on fire.

America desperately needs a spiritual revival – a Third Great Awakening if you will – and a return to the foundational truths that once unified us as a people. Let’s start by hanging the Ten Commandments in every school and government building throughout America. Better yet, let’s actually try obeying them and teaching them to our children and grandchildren.

Correcting America’s course will also require living within our means, both individually and collectively. The federal government must get spending under control by not only reducing the deficit, but also eliminating it entirely while simultaneously paying down our national debt. Likewise, citizens must relearn the lost art of delayed gratification and saving for a rainy day. Remember: every wage increase does not have to result in a corresponding increase in one’s standard of living.

Political correctness is another contributing factor to America’s decline. People, pastors, and politicians are all walking on eggshells, afraid that they will offend some person or group and be publicly demonized - or sued - as a result. Thankfully, our Founding Fathers were not a bunch of snowflakes, so let’s take a page from their book and tell the PC police to take a hike. And yes, let’s stop being so easily offended ourselves.

It is “gut check” time in America, and we all need to take a long look in the mirror. If we see a victim staring back at us, tell him or her (not they or us) to get a life and grow a spine. Excuses are for losers and until recently, that word never applied to Americans.

The choice is ours, America. Our destiny – and that of future generations – is in our hands. Will we rise to the occasion and restore our country’s greatness by returning to its bedrock principles of Faith, Family, and Freedom? Or will we go the way of the world, content to be relegated to the dustbin of history?

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  1. Charles Randall Charles Randall I cannot over-recommend “The Specter of Communism”, a 2 volume book by the Epoch Times. We must have revival. We must also teach/learn civics, respect the 9th and 10th Amendments, and get government at all levels out of charity. We must end Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare — simultaneously, the Christian community must bridge the gap by helping those who truly need help. Wednesday, May 31, 2023
  2. Wednesday, May 31, 2023
  3. Dale Glading Dale Glading Amen, brother! Wednesday, May 31, 2023
