Dale Glading's Blog

What Does It Say About Us When...?

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

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Tuesday, November 7th was not a good day for the GOP. In fact, it sent shockwaves throughout the Grand Old Party up and down the east coast and as far west as Ohio.

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, Republicans lost control of the House while failing to gain a majority in the Senate. As he enters the second half of his four-year term, Gov. Glenn Youngkin now has little hope of advancing his conservative, pro-family, and pro-parental rights agenda, essentially making him a lame duck whose only recourse is his veto power.

Pennsylvania and Kentucky, two more states that are actually commonwealths, also repudiated the GOP. In the Keystone State, Daniel McCaffery, a pro-choice Democratic man, defeated Carolyn Carluccio, a pro-life Republican woman, in a state Supreme Court race where abortion was one of the main issues. Meanwhile, in the Bluegrass State, a conservative bastion that President Trump won by more than 25 points in 2020, Andy Beshear, a white Democrat, beat Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a black Republican, to win a second term as governor.

And in Ohio, voters not only approved a constitutional amendment legalizing abortion until viability (roughly 23 weeks), but also endorsed the recreational use of marijuana, making the Buckeye State the 24th to do so.

So, what does it all mean… and what do the election results say about us a nation?

First, and most disturbingly, it says that the right to murder their unborn child in the womb is a top priority for the majority of American women. You read that right. There is no other way to interpret Tuesday’s election results than to say that America has crossed the moral Rubicon when it comes to the sanctity of life… and Democratic strategists know that all too well. Look for them to make abortion their defining issue in 2024 in a desperate attempt to throw a lifeline to President Biden’s sinking campaign.

How the fairer sex, from white suburban women to black women regardless of locale, can continue to make infanticide their #1 reason for going to the polls is beyond me. Apparently, it trumps race, gender, and even the economy when the curtain is pulled back in the voting booth. Fast forward to next November and I can just picture tens of millions of women voting for a dementia-ridden president as long as he promises to defend their “reproductive rights,” a diabolical and purposely misleading misnomer if there ever was one.

Sadly, Republicans will need to regroup and rethink their all-or-nothing position if they want to avoid an electoral bloodbath in 2024, which is proof positive that our country is continuing to – in the inestimable words of Judge Robert Bork – slouch its way towards Gomorrah. Alas, most people have forgotten (or never knew) what happened to that reprobate city and its partner in debauchery, Sodom.

Second, Tuesday’s disappointing results show that America is truly a post-Christian nation and becoming more and more secularized by the minute. Declining church attendance was our first warning sign and decadence passing for mainstream entertainment was our second. Same-sex marriage, gender fluidity, and the aforementioned abortion-on-demand are simply additional nails in America's conspicuously closing coffin.

Sure, conservative Christian candidates can still win in the so-called Bible Belt but even there, Jerry Falwell’s once Moral Majority seems to be rapidly shrinking. Need proof? Look no farther than the Republican Party itself, where a twice-divorced, profanity-prone former president is beating the tar out of Sen. Tim Scott, an evangelical Christian who wears his faith on his sleeve.

Trust me, I haven’t lost faith in God or hope in America, but Tuesday’s election results were a wake-up call and a smack upside the head for the GOP. Reversing our cultural slide into licentious oblivion is not impossible, but it will be far more difficult than I ever imagined. Shy of a Third Great Awakening, reclaiming America's greatness is like a ship that has already sailed but has since sprung a leak and is now taking on water faster than we can bail her out.

Voters have spoken loudly and clearly that they prefer few if any restrictions on their personal behavior, even when it is detrimental to them and destructive to the nation as a whole. What they fail to realize is that libertarianism, taking to the extreme, always results in lawlessness first… and societal suicide second.

Just ask ancient Rome.

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