Dale Glading's Blog

Welcome to Dystopia

Monday, December 4, 2023

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Close your eyes…

Do you see it? If not, try again.

One more time now…

What you should be seeing in your mind’s eye – at least if the looney Liberal Left has its way – is the Utopian World that the radical Progressives in Washington, Hollywood, and the mainstream media are trying so desperately to create… and then shove down our throats.

Of course, in order for this falsely idyllic Progressive version of Shangri-La to be fully realized, the original foundations of our Constitutional Republic must be dismantled and demolished, bit by bit and board by board.

Throughout its 247-year history, the United States has relied on four C’s to keep us free and flourishing, the first of which is Christianity. No matter what the historical revisionists would have you believe, America was founded by Christians seeking religious freedom and many of our Founding Fathers were either ministers, evangelicals, or attended seminary. And so, for the Progressives to succeed, they need to portray every Founder as a Deist and Christians as racists, bigots, misogynists, homophobes, and Islamophobes who are as unloving as they are archaic.

Out with the Bible and in with secular humanism, which is simply a worship of self instead of God. We can see how such hubris worked out for Lucifer in Isaiah 14, Luke 10, and Revelation 20… and it ain’t pretty.

The second “C” or pillar of American society is our Constitution, a document that was drafted by some of the greatest minds in the history of western civilization. Their prescience bordered on the supernatural as they provided future generations of Americans with the world’s first-ever blueprint for self-government. We owe an immeasurable debt of gratitude to James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin and the other 36 intellectual giants who signed this masterpiece of both literature and law.

Which, of course, means that these men and their reputations must be tarnished and trashed by judging them according to today’s standards… or lack thereof.

The third “C” is capitalism, an admittedly imperfect economic system that is still the best ever developed. In fact, capitalism is responsible for lifting more people out of poverty than any other economic system in human history. It has also fostered the inventions and innovations – from electricity and refrigeration to indoor plumbing and air conditioning – that have improved our overall standard of living as Americans. I sincerely doubt that there would be planes, trains, and automobiles if it weren’t for good ol’ Yankee ingenuity fostered by the risks and rewards of capitalism.

And yet, the Progressive ideologues who hate America would have us ditch what is working (capitalism) for what has never worked (socialism). Need proof of just how impractical socialism is… as well as its kissing cousin, communism? Look no further than North Korea, Venezuela, the former Soviet Union or for that matter, the Pilgrims. The Puritans who came to America in 1620 were in danger of extinction under a communal system, but soon flourished once the private ownership of land was permitted and the residents of the Plymouth Colony were allowed to exercise their entrepreneurial skills.

But in a Progressive Utopia, a centralized government owns and controls most if not all property, services, commodities, and delivery systems. In exchange for a promise of cradle to grave care, the self-appointed intelligentsia determine who wins, who loses, and who actually gets to compete. Sadly, polls – if they are to be believed – show that a majority of Millennials are willing to enter into such a Faustian pact where a small but powerful political elite decides everyone else’s fate.

To me, that reeks of slavery, which is what our country fought a Civil War to forever eliminate from American soil.

The fourth and final “C” stands for community. There was a time when America was called the “great melting pot” as immigrants traveled from the four corners of the world to our shores to become… well, Americans. They readily embraced the customs and values of their adopted homeland and insisted that their children learn English as quickly as possible. E pluribus unum – out of many, one – became our National Motto.

Fast forward to today, where governments, corporations, and school districts hire high-salaried DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) officers to emphasize our differences instead of our similarities and commonalities. And yes, election supervisors in various states are required by law to print ballots in dozens of different languages from Arabic and Creole to Mien, Panjabi, Tamil, and Telugu.

Sounds like the Libs have adopted a “divide and conquer” approach… and it’s working.

But back to Bizarro World or Pandemonium or whatever poll-tested euphemistic name the Libs decide to call their Brave New World. Food shortages will be commonplace as family and corporate farmers are forcibly replaced by a centralized bureaucracy. Periodic brownouts will become regular blackouts as energy from windmills and solar panels fails to keep up with demand… all while coal mines, oil fields, and nuclear reactors sit idle and abandoned.

With dwindling food and energy supplies, Americans will turn to the streets where police departments used to maintain law and order before they were disbanded. Because the only people owning guns will be the State, organized crime, and inner-city gangs, citizens will resort to using knives, clubs, and their bare hands to protect their families and forage for food.

And when we die, the choice will already have been made for how to dispose of our corpses. Forget about wasting a few cubic feet of valuable – and now publicly-owned – land. Into the ovens you go.

Ah yes, Dystopia here we come.

(Kudos to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who penned a book in 2020 titled, “The Three C’s That Made America Great,” and conservative author and activist Star Parker, who has also written and spoken about her own set of C’s.)

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