Dale Glading's Blog

We the People

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

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Sometimes, you see a meme on Facebook or some other social media and you just have to share it… and so I did. Here is the link:


To date, more than 500 people from a number of different conservative Facebook groups have “liked” the meme and/or commented on it. As you might imagine, almost all of the comments were extremely positive, but it was the one negative comment that caught my attention.

“You lie,” the anonymous female group member (i.e. troll) began. She then went on to accuse me of wanting to ban books, “punish” gays, and mandate that only “white history” is taught in schools. Finally – and this was my favorite false allegation – she said that I was trying to incite a civil war.

I usually don’t respond to such groundless attacks, but I chose to confront this woman because her claims were so outlandish. “No one is banning books,” I began. “We simply don’t want sexually explicit books, including ones that describe gay sex and even pedophilia, to be in school libraries where minors and especially elementary-age students have access to them.”

“Second, I have never heard of anyone wanting to ‘punish’ gays and no one is mandating that only ‘white history’ can be taught,” I continued. “We simply don’t want CRT shoved down our kids’ throats, because Critical Race Theory teaches that every black person is a victim and that every white person is an oppressor who is inherently racist.” Go ahead and teach about the savagery of the slave trade as well as the important contributions of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, Martin Luther King Jr., and scores of other African American men and women. Just stop telling white kindergartners that they need to apologize to their black classmates.

As for her accusation that I was trying to incite a civil war by sharing the meme, I reminded her that America was founded on the premise that citizens are the true rulers and that the government is to serve the people, not the other way around. That foundational truth is what made America so unique in world history. After all, the purpose of the Constitution of the United States was to tell the government what it could do – and perhaps more importantly, what it couldn’t do.

The lady’s response was that she was an educator who has taught the Constitution in school… and since I am not a teacher and haven’t been in a classroom in decades, I have no right to comment. My answer was direct and to the point…

“As a parent, a grandparent, AND A TAXPAYER who contributes to the salaries of every teacher and school administrator in our county, I have every right to speak my mind. Besides, the First Amendment guarantees my freedom of speech,” I said, before adding that I was glad that my grandkids weren’t in her class because her understanding of the Constitution was sorely lacking.

Cornered by my logic and without a leg to stand on, she did what every liberal does when their faulty arguments have been debunked and defanged… she resorted to playing the race card.

“I have spent 35 years ministering to hundreds of thousands of mostly minority inmates in more than 400 different prisons across North America and Africa,” I replied, “so playing the race card won’t work with me. And today, I spend a lot of my time mentoring mostly minority at-risk youth.”

Before wishing her a good night (and a not so fond good-bye), I added that my Nigerian daughter-in-law and my six precious Puerto Rican grandkids think she should troll elsewhere… not on a Moms for Liberty fan page.

The reason I share this back-and-forth online discussion with you is because somewhere along the line, We the People have voluntarily ceded some of our most sacred rights to our federal and state governments, allowing them to pass laws that violate the Constitution and enforce rules that infringe on our personal freedoms. And then, when we remind them that they have overstepped their bounds, they get their backs up, threaten us with fines, censorship or imprisonment, and start calling us every name in the book such as racists and insurrectionists.

My friends, it is time we put the government back where it belongs, in a position of servitude and accountability to its true masters, We the People of the United States of America.

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