We Need to Find a Way...
Saturday, July 29, 2023
We, as a nation, need to find a way to implement the following changes, lest we continue to decline militarily, economically, and morally…
To focus on fighting – and winning – wars instead of using the Armed Forces to push degenerate ideology.
To purchase goods without having to subsidize theft by paying higher prices to cover losses incurred from shoplifters.
To walk down a city street without being accosted by vagrants and panhandlers, or having to step over discarded facemasks, syringes, or human excrement.
To simplify the tax code by moving to a Fair Tax or a Flat Tax.
To make it possible for a third (or fourth) party candidate to launch a serious campaign for office to break the monopoly that the Republicans and Democrats have held since 1860.
To end the undue influence that BlackRock, Fidelity, Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and other trillion-dollar investment groups have on politicians and the U.S. economy.
To prevent the NEA and Planned Parenthood from blackballing Democrat candidates that don’t subscribe to their radical views. Likewise, as much as I support the 2nd Amendment, the NRA should not be able to unilaterally make or break a GOP candidate.
To stop subsidizing out-of-wedlock birth by rewarding single women with government handouts for each additional child while simultaneously letting the fathers off the hook.
To start teaching real life skills such as budgeting, investing, balancing a checkbook, changing a tire, and home repairs in our public schools.
To recognize two genders… and two genders only… and to provide psychological help for anyone who is gender-confused.
To become energy independent by drilling for oil, mining for coal, and building new oil refineries and nuclear power plants here at home while also implementing clean energy alternatives as they become financially viable.
To promote the nuclear family (a father, a mother, and their children) as the societal ideal.
To pass term limits for all federal offices as well as a top-end age limit.
To allow parents to raise their children without undue governmental influence.
To institute school choice in every educational district in America.
To recognize the historical fact that America was founded on solid Judeo-Christian principles.
To revere – not criticize or condemn – our Founding Fathers.