Until We Have Term Limits…
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Until we have term limits in both Houses of Congress, America will have the following:
1. Ego-driven career politicians, gorging themselves at taxpayers’ expense, instead of citizen representatives and true public servants.
2. An entrenched and elite ruling class that is far removed from the people they are supposed to represent.
3. Senators and Representatives in their 80s and 90s, with diminishing energy and cognitive abilities, refusing to let go of the reins of power.
4. Political action committees and special interest groups calling the shots, each with a full complement of Senators and Representatives who are beholden to them.
5. Poll-driven politicians who base their votes on what is popular, not what is right.
6. Congressional members who are more focused on raising money for their own re-election campaigns than they are on reducing federal spending, balancing the federal budget, and paying down the federal debt.
7. Politicians who haven’t worked in the private sector in decades, passing laws that over-regulate and negatively impact American businesses.
8. Power-hungry officeholders who value seniority and party allegiance more than constituent service and accountability.
9. Skyrocketing deficits because federal handouts equate to votes, at least in their shortsighted and narrow-minded thinking.
10. Self-interest trumping servant leadership.
11. A dearth of fresh blood and new ideas as one fading generation refuses to yield to the next generation of leaders.
12. Less transparency and more shady backroom deals brokered by the power elite.
13. More political posturing, including preening for the cameras, than actual work being done on behalf of the American people.
14. Escalating federal pensions for officeholders who long ago overstayed their welcome.
15. Decisions made by people who live their entire lives inside the Washington bubble.