Timely Tips for Grandparents
Monday, May 13, 2024
As promised, today I want to share a few timely tips about how to successfully grandparent in the year 2024. Tomorrow, we will be returning to politics from a faith-based perspective with an article titled, The Poll-Driven Presidency followed by a second piece on Thursday titled, Biden vs. Bibi… so stay tuned!
Since I have been a parent for 37 years and a grandparent for only 10, this piece of advice – for what it’s worth – will be much shorter than yesterday’s. That being said, there are still a few helpful hints and lessons learned that I have picked up over the past decade that I think are worth sharing, so here goes.
First, it is OK to spoil your grandkids, but do not undermine their parents while doing so. Parenting is difficult enough in this day and age without well-meaning grandparents undoing what has taken years of hard work and discipline to establish.
Second, support your kids as they raise their kids, but also give them some much-needed space. Unless there are extraneous circumstances such as the demands of raising a special needs child, your adult children don’t need you breathing down their necks and second guessing their every move. In other words, support but don’t smother. Seeing your grandkids once a week (if they live locally) should suffice for everyone concerned… and don’t forget to offer some free babysitting services as needed.
Third, intercede on their behalf by praying constantly and consistently for both your adult children and their growing brood. Having been blessed with three kids in five years, Deanna and I had our hands full… and then some. With me working in full-time ministry and she being a stay-at-home mom, our main focus was juggling all three balls in the air at the same time without dropping one.
Now that we are grandparents, things aren’t quite as hectic and so, I try to spend some quality time every day praying earnestly and specifically for our kids and grandkids. Looking back on our parenting days, I know it was the faithful prayers of a few close friends and mentors that kept Deanna and me afloat physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually. Now it’s up to Noni and Papa to return the favor by interceding regularly for the next generation… and the one after that.
Finally, it is critical that your adult children see you “finishing strong.” It saddens me when I see people my age with extra time on their hands (and extra money in their bank accounts) spending that time – and those financial resources – almost exclusively on themselves. Don’t get me wrong: there is nothing wrong with a long-anticipated cruise or a European vacation, but let your kids and grandkids see you serving the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength until your dying breath. Hitting the cruise control button and gliding your way to Glory isn’t biblical nor is it a good example for future generations who are watching your every move.
Hope that helps!