This Is NOT Your Grandfather's Democratic Party
Friday, August 23, 2024
If you watched more than 10 minutes of last week’s Democratic National Convention, you had to have come to the following realization: this is NOT your grandfather’s Democrat Party anymore.
No way, no how, would Harry S. Truman have endorsed open borders, amnesty (let alone citizenship) for illegal immigrants, and abortion-on-demand. You’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
In the same manner, John F. Kennedy would have never stood for kindergarten children being exposed to drag queens and LGBTQ+ propaganda.
And Jimmy Carter, the architect of the Camp David Accord, would have refused to throw Israel under the proverbial bus just to placate some pro-Hamas terrorists.
Ask yourself what Franklin Roosevelt would think of demonizing big businesses, the same ones that voluntarily switched from building cars to manufacturing airplanes, tanks, and jeeps during World War II? Or portraying pharmaceutical companies – who produce and distribute the polio vaccine to this day – as Public Enemy #1? I am sure that FDR wished Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin had developed their respective vaccines before he contracted the deadly and disabling disease in 1921.
How about Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic standard bearer in both 1952 and 1956? Can you imagine him embracing a Green New Deal that, if implemented, would turn America into a third-world nation, dependent on other countries to supply our energy needs?
And I seriously doubt that LBJ would have given his OK to biological men competing in women’s sports or infiltrating ladies’ locker rooms. That kind of nonsense just doesn’t fly in Texas.
So, my Democratic friends who have been “voting blue” for decades, I have a question for you? Does the modern-day Democratic Party reflect your values and if not, why are you still supporting it?
It is no longer the party of the working class. On the contrary, it is controlled by East Coast elitists, Hollywood moguls, snooty academics, man-hating ultra feminists, sexual deviants, and left-wing lunatics… and my guess is that you have very little in common with any of them.
So do the right thing and send them a message by “voting red” this time around. If you love America and want what’s best for your children and grandchildren, the Republican Party - the home of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and yes, Martin Luther King, Jr. - welcomes you with open arms.