Dale Glading's Blog

The Self-Delusion of the Democrat Party

Thursday, March 13, 2025

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I hope they have the ghost of Sigmund Freud on speed-dial, because Dr. Phil is a Trump fan and Joyce Brothers died in 2012 and isn’t taking any calls.

Who could possibly be in such desperate need of psychological help? Try Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and virtually every other Democrat officeholder on Capitol Hill.

Last week, Jeffries, the House minority leader, recorded an embarrassing and delusional video in which he resembled a hostage being forced by his captors to read from a self-incriminating script. Staring straight ahead like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights, Jeffries made a series of outlandish claims that made viewers wonder if he was tripping out on Quaaludes.

“We have the Republicans on the run on three core issues”, Jeffries began, perhaps forgetting that the GOP just won the White House, Senate, and House trifecta in November. He also seemed oblivious to the findings of a recent Quinnipiac approval rating poll that showed Democrats in Congress lagging behind Republicans, 40%-21%.

Undaunted by actual facts, Jeffries asserted that “They are on the run in terms of the economy. In fact, Donald Trump and Republicans are crashing the economy in real time.”

No sooner had Jeffries made his false claims, but the Labor Department released its economic report for February, President Trump’s first full month in office, and it showed that inflation was lower than expected. CNBC reported that “on an annual basis, headline inflation was at 2.8%, while core was at 3.1%. Both also were 0.1 percentage point below the Wall Street consensus and the previous month’s levels.”

You talk about bad timing, Hakeem!

Jeffries’ second false narrative was that “We have them on the run in terms of health care – particularly as it relates to Medicaid. House Democrats stand on the side of Medicaid and the American people. Republicans are trying to enact the largest cut to Medicaid in American history, and we need to keep the pressure on them legislatively and in communities all across the country."

Sorry, Hakeem, but a recent Harvard CAPS / Harris poll showed that the American public supports President Trump, Elon Musk, D.O.G.E., and their cost-cutting measures by a whopping 76%-24% super majority. OUCH!

As for Jeffries’ third point, it was about as desperate as a Hail Mary pass at the end of a football game that your team is losing by 30 points. “And we have them on the run with respect to the GOP tax scam,” Jeffries said, before trotting out a laundry list of unfounded accusations. “They want to cut Medicaid, cut nutritional assistance for children and families, cut veterans’ benefits, and potentially cut Social Security benefits by trying to decimate the Social Security Administration.”

Silly boy. Everyone knows that a rising tide lifts all boats and so, an across-the-board tax cut will benefit Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class American. Call that a “tax scam” if you want, but when voters get a hefty refund check in the mail, who do you think they will believe? As for cutting benefits to veterans and seniors, those scare tactics don’t work anymore… and shame on you for trying. The truth of the matter is that by reducing the number of career bureaucrats at the Veterans Administration and the Social Security Administration, there will be more money available for actual beneficiaries, not less.

Not to be outdone by his co-conspirator in the other chamber, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer held a rally outside the Treasury building last month that was attended by fewer people than a Florida Marlins game in mid-July. Standing beside him was 86-year-old Rep. Maxine Waters and Rep. Al Green, shaking his infamous cane, as well as some other nondescript Democrat lackies. Not exactly the face of the future of the Democrat Party (or is it?)

Dressed in a bulky parka and tie, Schumer led the dozen or so people in an awkward chant of “We will win” and “We won’t rest.” Here is how it went over, according to former Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), who watched in horror…

“I just don’t even know what to say anymore when I see this kind of stuff. Is it Saturday Night Live or real life?” Ryan wrote on X. “Does anyone really think this is the future of the country? This is the only alternative to Trump’s America? It’s just so depressing.”

And yet, the worst was yet to come. Lacking a winning message – or any coherent message for that matter – Democrat lawmakers have apparently decided that launching a social media blitz is the key to regaining the majority in Congress. W-R-O-N-G!

One after another, congresswomen taped themselves throwing punches in a series of amateurish videos that made Jeffries’ low-budget home movie look like a Cecil B. Demille production by comparison. Even worse were the painfully over-scripted clips of more than 20 leading Democrats aping the same critical monologue about President Trump. The internet absolutely exploded with negative comments mocking Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Tim Kaine, and company for looking and sounding like a bunch of clueless clones.

“This is what coordinated propaganda looks like”… “The absolute definition of an echo chamber”… “They have nothing left to stop Trump”… “These democrats are losing more and more ground, popularity, and relevance”… “It’s embarrassing to watch these so-called civil servants acting like spoiled five year olds”… “This is what happens when your whole political strategy is “yeah, but Trump”… “They are so lame that they need a script and don’t think people notice they are ALL saying the same thing”… “The Democrats have done this for as long as I can remember. Remember, in that party, one is not allowed to think for oneself”… “Why do they think we are dumb?”… “Well folks that's what you get when you cut government spending, they are down to one writer”… “The party of joy and unity is the most divisive group of people I've ever seen in my life!!!”

But Chuckie Schumer would still tell you not to believe your own lying eyes, because despite his party’s tanking poll numbers, he is still claiming that a Democrat victory is on the horizon.

Actually, Chuck, that’s what we call a mirage… so lay back down on the couch, pop another Xanax, and tell the doctor why you hate your mother.

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