Dale Glading's Blog

The Radicalism of RFK, Jr.

Monday, June 10, 2024

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Personally, I like RFK, Jr. He seems sincere and, for someone with Kennedy as his last name, he appears relatively unaffected by fame and fortune. I also appreciate his willingness to buck the Democrat Party – and his own family – by launching an independent campaign.

However, and it’s a big however, I think he would be an absolute disaster as President of the United States. Here are a few reasons why…

1. It is hard to picture a member of America’s version of the royal family as a political outsider, but that is very much who RFK Jr. is. He has spent the past 40 years fighting large corporations in court, mostly over environmental issues. And so, a Kennedy presidency would be sure to feature more of the same: environmental issues taking precedence over economic ones. That would mean cleaner air and water, but higher prices for most consumer goods.

2. RFK Jr. is an isolationist. By that I mean he would willingly relinquish American influence abroad in exchange for prioritizing domestic issues. Sounds good on the surface, but since nature abhors a vacuum, rest assured that China would gladly accept the mantle as the lone remaining superpower. Do you really want to live in a world dominated by Xi Jinping and the CCP?

3. When asked by an interviewer recently about abortion, Kennedy said that he believed it was a decision best left to a woman and her doctor. “Even up until birth?” the reporter asked. “Even up until birth,” RFK repeated while nodding his head in agreement. That, my friends, is a disqualifier for me. As for Kennedy’s plan to encourage impoverished women not to abort their preborn children by offering to cover 100% of the cost of raising them until they are five years old, let’s just say that it is unfair and unworkable. It also undermines the concept of personal responsibility while further incentivizing sexual promiscuity.

4. Kennedy’s plan to build hundreds of “healing farms” across America for young people addicted to fentanyl and other drugs or suffering from mental illness such as depression is a bold and brash proposal. I’ll give him an “A” for ingenuity, a “C” for practicality, and an “F” for wanting to fund the farms through a federal tax on marijuana.

5. RFK’s approach to solving problems in minority communities is naïve at best. Placing the blame for high black incarceration rates on the overwrought “school-to-prison pipeline” demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the root cause of crime in America. Simply put, the breakdown of the family unit (which is much higher in minority communities) and the increased secularization of our society are largely to blame… not systemic racism.

Admittedly, Kennedy’s presidential platform has some strong elements including his concern for veterans and Native Americans, but overall, I think his political inexperience and naivete would cripple his administration. Better to offer him a cabinet position – Secretary of Health and Human Services might be a good fit – or to appoint him to lead the EPA or the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

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