The Birds and the Bees Don't Kill Their babies
Friday, November 10, 2023
(Warning: This post deals with adult issues from an adult perspective using some adult terminology.)
Do you want to know the root cause of abortion in America? No, I’m not talking about the birds and the bees, although we will address that connection in a minute or two.
There is one primary reason why 63 million babies were aborted between 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its convoluted and erroneous Roe v. Wade decision, and 2022, when it was finally overturned… and it can be summed up in a single word: selfishness. It is also the reason why abortion advocates are currently scrambling to collect petition signatures so they can enshrine the right to murder unborn children in state constitutions across the country.
Simply put, far too many women and far too many men want to have their cake and eat it, too. They want to be able to indulge in indiscriminate recreational sex and should an “oops” occur, they demand that a handy “remedy” be immediately available. Pull a one-nighter and get pregnant, no big deal. Your local pharmacy now carries an over-the-counter pill that can erase the effects – but not the shame or the guilt – of that night of hedonistic pleasure.
Meanwhile, men with high libidos and low morals are “all in” as far as abortion is concerned. “Just take care of it” is the short-sighted and self-serving advice they give to the mother of their preborn child. But that’s what happens when your anatomy and not your brain makes the decisions for you.
The same goes for married women or women in committed relationships who, because of their career ambitions or financial situation, choose death over life when an unexpected pregnancy occurs. Unwilling to sacrifice a promotion at work, they instead sacrifice the life of their precious unborn child on the bloody altar of convenience and career advancement.
Women who are struggling to make ends meet financially often employ faulty and irrational logic, too. “It would be unfair to bring a child into the world when I can’t afford to raise it,” is how their twisted reasoning goes… as if killing the baby is a far more compassionate option. Do they actually hear – and believe – what they are saying?
What about adoption? Don’t they realize that there are an estimated 2 million couples currently waiting to adopt in the United States? That’s as many as 36 waiting families for every one child who is placed for adoption.
Do the unselfish thing and carry your child to term and then, if you don’t think you are capable of raising it for whatever reason, place it into the loving arms of a couple that can do that for you. They are just begging for the chance to shower your child with love.
With that much of an adoption waiting list – and free contraceptives available virtually everywhere – there is zero reason to abort a baby except for simple, unadulterated selfishness on the parts of the mother and father. No more excuses, because they just don’t cut it.
The bottom line is this: If you are not ready to raise a child or to give it up for adoption, then you are not ready for sex. Period, end of story.
Be a grown-up… and allow your preborn child the privilege of growing up, too.