Dale Glading's Blog

The #1 Reason for Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment

Thursday, October 26, 2023

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When he was running for Governor of California in 1966, Ronald Reagan issued his famous 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” Apparently, his strategy worked, because not only did “the Gipper” win the GOP nomination, but he also defeated the Democrat incumbent Pat Brown by 15% and almost one million votes.

I was reminded of Reagan’s team-oriented approach as I watched the Republican Caucus in the House of Representatives shoot down multiple Speaker candidates over a three-week marathon of mayhem. Thankfully, cooler heads finally prevailed, and Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana was nominated unanimously by his Republican peers and then elected Speaker along a strict party-line vote in the full House.

Time will tell if Speaker Johnson can form a strong governing majority, but I remain cautiously optimistic. Meanwhile, the GOP’s attention is now turning to the upcoming presidential primaries and what could be a bloodbath of epic proportions if President’s Reagan’s advice is not followed.

Former President Trump is the prohibitive favorite, having opened a commanding lead in both the national and state polls. However, anything can happen between now and the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next July… and I mean anything.

For instance, Donald Trump could be convicted of one or more crimes, raising constitutional questions about his ability to serve, and possibly undermining his support within the GOP. Another possibility that we don’t even like to think about, but must consider, is what if Mr. Trump has a serious health crisis or, God forbid, dies between now and the convention?

I don’t mean to sound ghoulish, but President Trump is currently 77 years old, which coincidentally is the average lifespan of an American male. He will turn 78 on Flag Day, June 14, 2024.

Do I pray that Mr. Trump will live a long and healthy life well into his 80s and 90s? Absolutely! But actuary tables don’t lie, and the Republican Party must have a contingency plan in place for a worst-case scenario… which is all the more reason why we cannot afford to demonize every GOP presidential candidate whose initials are not DJT.

If, heaven forbid, the Republican Party is forced to replace a sick or deceased frontrunner, no matter who that may be, we had better have a viable replacement waiting in the wings who hasn’t been so damaged by Mr. Trump’s attacks or other intraparty squabbles that he or she limps to the finish line in November.

Isn’t that right, “Ronaldus Magnus”?

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