Dale Glading's Blog

Stop Wringing Your Hands and Start Fighting Back

Thursday, January 21, 2021

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O.K. Like it or not (and I don't), Joe Biden is now the 46th President of the United States. What is a Christian and/or a conservative to do?

For the past several months – and especially for the past several days – I have watched in horror as many of my fellow believers and my fellow Republicans have taken one of two positions. Some have thrown up their hands in total dismay (and apparent surrender), preaching a gospel of doom and gloom while resigning themselves to the inevitable demise of the Great American Experiment. They look at the horizon and see an approaching Progressive storm from which there is no escape.

Others have chosen to bury their heads, individually and collectively, in the sand… denying the fact that Joe Biden lives in the White House, occupies the Oval Office, and possesses our country’s nuclear codes. They hope to wake up tomorrow to find that the 2020 election was nothing but a bad dream caused by a late night binge on pepperoni pizza.

I would like to offer a third option: fight back! And like every battle fought by true Christ-followers, this one must start on our knees.

Accepting the fact that Joe Biden now flies around the world aboard Air Force One doesn’t mean that you or I have rolled over and are playing dead. On the contrary, it simply means that we are realists who don’t want to waste our time and energy tilting at windmills. Instead, we are regrouping, strategizing, and preparing for the next election… one that we fully intend to win.

If we truly believe that God is sovereign, then wringing our hands is not only a complete waste of time, but also an insult of heavenly proportions. And if we are likewise convinced that “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world,” then how about accessing some of that supernatural power?

Yes, it all begins with prayer, because this battle is first and foremost a spiritual one (see Ephesians 6:12). The evil forces behind the Democrat Party – such as Planned Parenthood that advocates the senseless and indiscriminate slaughter of unborn children – are fueled by modern-day versions of Molek, Baal, and Ashtorah. Heathen nations then and secular humanists now continue to bow at the altars of convenience, deviance, and debauchery... and they must be stopped in their tracks.

But, at some point, we need to leave our knees and stand uprightly on our own two feet, shoulder to shoulder. So positioned, we must then advance boldly and bravely, proudly brandishing our conservative colors every step of the way. We owe our forefathers – and future generations – no less.

That means reclaiming America’s classrooms and newsrooms from the Liberal elite because they are Ground Zero in this epic battle. We desperately need more conservative teachers and school administrators, as well as news anchors, editors, columnists, and commentators. Winning the ideological war starts here.

We also need more Christians and conservatives to run for elective office, from the local town council and school board to the highest offices in the land. Let's flood our statehouses – as well as both houses of Congress – with true believers. Leave no stone unturned and no seat uncontested.

The battle won’t be won overnight, but inroads will be constantly made. This isn’t Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where a single bomb demolished a city and ended a conflict. Our fight more closely resembles the trench warfare of World War I, where every inch of homeland is protected… and every inch of enemy territory is challenged.

I have already enlisted in the conservative army, have you? Bunkers are for Bidens, not patriots. And that storm brewing in the eastern sky may just be signaling our Lord's imminent return or Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America, Part 2".

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