Dale Glading's Blog

Stop Wringing Your Hands... and Do Something!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

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“Now is the time for feats of faith and valiant exploits.” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“If not you, who?”

“If not now, when?”

Every American – and every Christian – should ask themselves these two very important questions each morning as they look in the mirror to brush their teeth and comb their hair.

The sad truth is that the America we once knew is slipping further and further away. In fact, it is in danger of disappearing completely – and forever – from our national landscape, going the way of the passenger pigeon and the ivory-billed woodpecker, both now extinct. While a modern-day Nero fiddles in the White House, the Judeo-Christian foundations on which our great country was built are being burned to the ground. In their place are values which are not only foreign to the American way of life, but also the polar opposites of the biblical and traditional ones we once held near and dear.

The forced redistribution of wealth… two genders being replaced by more than 120 different variations… the union of one man and one woman for life being discarded in favor of same-sex marriage and no-fault divorce… the sanctity of life everywhere – and especially in the womb – giving way to abortion on demand as part of a woman’s “reproductive rights.” Burning and looting in the streets under the false guise of legitimate protest. And so it goes… on and on and on.

Meanwhile, 80,000 souls die and enter a Christ-less eternity every day. Read that again… and weep.

What is a Christian in America to do in the face of such matters? Well, here are a few simple suggestions…

Pray… pray harder… and pray harder still. Then as God directs, take bold and decisive action. Maybe He would have you run for public office or write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper. How about teaching Sunday School, leading the youth group at church, or volunteering for a local pro-life organization? Voting for the most God-fearing, Constitution-revering candidates helps, too.

Don’t get discouraged, my friend. There is still time to turn the tide if Christians and conservatives band together. Remember, both the buffalo and the bald eagle were once on the endangered species list. Today, they fly and roam free across wide swaths of our fruited plain.

“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 (NKJV)

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