Sticks and Stones and Broken Bones
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Earlier this week, I gave it the old “college try” as I described in detail what it means to be a conservative. Today, we will address some other political terminology that is being tossed around – often indiscriminately – in the runup to the 2024 presidential election.
Let’s start with that old bellwether, the ever popular liberal. As defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary, a political liberal is “broad-minded, and not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy or traditional forms.” No, really, that’s what ol’ Noah Webster said. Of course, he died in 1843, so he can be excused for offering such an outdated definition.
These days, liberals – at least in the United States – are better known for goosestepping in unison like a bunch of jackbooted Fascists. If you dare to be a freethinker like Kyrsten Simena or buck the party line like Joe Manchin used to do, you are treated like a pariah, a turncoat, and a political leper. There is no better example of being relegated to persona non grata status than Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The liberal elite consider RFK Jr. to be a traitor to the cause and have turned on him like a pack of ravenous wolves. The same goes for Tulsi Gabbard, who was so ostracized by the Democrat hierarchy that she jumped ship and is considering launching a third party bid for the presidency in 2024.
According to Webster, liberals are also “licentious” and “lacking moral restraint.” Talk about hitting the nail on the head! Among modern-day liberals, gay men and transgender women go straight to the head of the class. So does anyone willing to play the victim and/or race cards interchangeably and ad nauseum. Sexual deviancy is in style amongst liberals… and they’re coming for your kids, too.
Progressives are liberals on steroids. Once upon a time, Progressives were considered good guys who sought to improve living conditions for the working class. Think Teddy Roosevelt, who ran for president on the Progressive ticket in 1912, saying that “I always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand." However, the Progressive movement was quickly hijacked by Woodrow Wilson and his ilk, and now far more closely resembles Soviet-style Communism and European-style Socialism.
If you are a Progressive today, your single-minded mantra includes a strict adherence and religious devotion to the climate change and green energy cults. You also pledge allegiance to the forceful redistribution of wealth – present company excluded – and worship at the altar of an all-powerful Big Nanny centralized government.
RINO is another political term that has become increasingly popular, increasingly overused, and increasingly nauseating. Basically, the “Republican in name only” label is used to disparage anyone and everyone with whom you disagree or who – in your high-minded opinion – has deviated from the only acceptable party position. In its most extreme form, it is employed as an epithet for any GOP presidential candidate not named Donald J. Trump.
Ironically, Trump first registered as a Republican in 1987, but has since changed his party affiliation five times: in 1999 to the Independence Party; in 2001 to the Democratic Party; in 2009 back to the Republican Party; in 2011 to “no party affiliation;” and in 2012 back to the GOP one more time. In a 2004 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump said, "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat," and as recently as 2015 he was quoted as saying, "I identify with some things as a Democrat."
Is Trump a true Republican now? Absolutely! However, my point is that if we continue to demonize anyone who vacillates or strays from 100% party purity, the GOP will eventually relegate itself to permanent minority status. Let’s save our ammunition for America’s true enemies at home and abroad... and across the aisle.
Globalist is yet another derogatory term that is being bandied about 24/7 these days. Most people aren’t aware that it has anti-Semitic roots dating back to the Rothchilds, but I am guessing that some of them would continue to use the phrase even if they were. Supposedly, a globalist is someone who is in bed with George Soros and supports a one-world government. I assume globalists also have a secret handshake, signet rings, and an extensive vetting process that they use to root out anyone trying to infiltrate their nefarious underground organization.
Trust me, I am not minimizing the threat posed by what used to be called the New World Order. After all, as an evangelical Christian who is well-versed when it comes to eschatology, I am convinced that the Antichrist will be revealed sooner rather than later. I just don’t see the need to look for him under every rock. However, I do agree that the United Nations has been commandeered by hostile regimes and anti-American sentiment and has outlived its purpose. As for NATO, it has lost much of its relevance and most of its teeth.
Which brings us to the dreaded neocons. Basically, a neocon (short for new conservative) is a liberal hawk. The neocon movement began as a response – and liberal alternative – to the pacifist, anti-war coalition that began dominating the Democrat party during the Vietnam era. Eventually, some of the neocons gravitated to the Republican party and became influential in the Reagan and Bush 41 and 43 administrations.
In a nutshell, neocons believe in expanding America’s strength, influence, and dominance on the global stage… and support using our military might to accomplish those ends. Once prominent neocons include Scoop Jackson, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Jeanne Kilpatrick, Paul Wolfowitz, George Will, Bill Kristol, and Dick Cheney. The key phrase is “once prominent,” because alleged neocons are a dying breed as America seemingly returns to its pre-World War isolationist roots.
For the record, I don't think that Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, or Tim Scott are neocons. They simply believe in "peace through strength" and "trust but verify" diplomacy. Sound familiar?
So, there you have it, folks, a primer on today’s most redundant and often misapplied political pejoratives. As for me, I am happy to be called a true Reaganite or a constitutional conservative… period.