So, You Want to Win an Election, Do You?
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Let me begin with a somewhat embarrassing disclaimer. In three campaigns for public office, I have finished second twice and fourth once. The first two “silver medals” came after winning the Republican nomination in New Jersey’s 1st Congressional District, after which I lost to the 9-term (and then 10-term) incumbent in one of the safest Democratic districts in the country. My third attempt was in the GOP primary for a Florida state house seat.
And so, prospective candidates should take my advice with more than a grain of salt. That being said, I have learned a lot since I hung up my political aspirations back in 2016, so maybe there are a few lessons to be learned after all. I’ll let you, my readers, be the judge of that.
If I was running for public office today, I would…
1. Run on a Law-and-Order platform. Come out strong in support of our men and women in blue. Not because it’s the politically savvy thing to do, but because it is the right thing to do. Unless we manage to restore sanity and public order to our cities and streets, the America that we once knew will be no more.
2. Demand an end to illegal immigration. Whether you are running for President of the United States or dogcatcher, this issue trumps virtually every other because it also impacts every American regardless of age, sex, race, creed, or color. If necessary, stage a 1,000-mile walk… a 2,000-mile trek… or a 3,000-mile marathon to the southern border to draw attention to the burgeoning crisis. Take along a film crew or simply go live on YouTube every step of the way. Once you arrive, pitch a tent and live amongst the illegals or better yet, the brave men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol. After a few days – or a few weeks – board a bus to a sanctuary city and document the journey for the general public… and your future constituents.
3. Be the most fiscally conservative candidate in the race. If your opponent wants to balance the federal budget in 10 years, counter with five… or one. Better yet, insist on a surplus budget that will start paying down the national debt immediately. People care about their kids and their grandkids, so show them how we are mortgaging their futures with our profligate spending.
4. Promote energy independence. Not only as an economic issue, but also as one of national security. Do your homework so you can intelligently discuss and dismantle the Progressive arguments in favor of electric cars that are made with radioactive lithium batteries from Chinese components (such as cobalt and magnesium) that are strip-mined by slave and child labor. Talk about the birds that are being slaughtered and the whales that are washing ashore because of land-based and maritime wind turbines. Educate the voters about how much electricity is produced by clean-burning coal-fired plants. Be a vocal advocate for natural gas and nuclear energy. Finally, talk about the negative economic impact of the Green New Deal proposals in real per-household dollars.
5. Stop apologizing for being pro-life and go on the offensive when it comes to abortion. Turn the tables on your liberal pro-choice opponent(s) and ask them at what stage of development they think the life of a preborn baby with a beating heart should be terminated?
6. Appeal to common sense. I am convinced that the average American voter understands that there are only two genders and that sexually-confused adolescents are just that: sexually-confused adolescents who should be offered compassionate psychiatric care… not the permanent mutilation of their still developing bodies.
7. Repeat after me: PARENTAL RIGHTS. Not only in education, but also in every aspect of child-rearing. Publicly admit that you spank (not abuse) your kids when they misbehave and dare the authorities to tell you that you don’t have that authority.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Take a strong stand… and don’t apologize for – or back down from – your beliefs. Remember, there are more of “us” than there are of “them.” They just happen to control the media as well as our public education system and so, they want you to believe that they are in the majority. They aren’t. At least not yet.
Good luck and Godspeed!