Dale Glading's Blog

Say Goodbye to the Constitution

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Comments: 3

I am an eternal optimist and so, I am predicting that President Trump will win re-election next Tuesday. However, I am also a realist… which means I understand that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are victorious, the real losers will be the American people and the Constitution of the United States.

Here are some of the constitutional rights that I believe may be in danger under a Biden-Harris administration…

Amendment I – Our right to freely express our religious faith – not to mention our personal opinions – won’t just be abridged; it will be discarded altogether. Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, churches and other houses of worship that teach that homosexuality is a sin and that God intended marriage to be the union of one man and one woman for life will be sanctioned, fined, and eventually shuttered.

As for our freedom of speech, Facebook and Twitter are already blocking conservative voices in a thinly-veiled attempt to sway the election. Should the Biden-Harris ticket prevail, dissenting opinions will be considered “hate speech” and the thought police will come knocking on your door. And freedom of the press, a sacred right that the mainstream media surrendered years ago in favor of group-think, will also be a thing of the past. Pravda means “truth” in Russian… and, like the Soviet Union, the United States will have its own state-run media in the not-too-distant future (other than CNN and MSNBC).

Our right to peacefully assemble will also be dismantled, piece by piece, by the Democrats' totalitarian regime. Don’t believe me? They already used COVID as an excuse to lockdown churches for extended periods of time while abortuaries were considered an essential business and permitted to remain open (with state and federal funds, no less). Democrat governors also made it illegal to hold funerals or to eat in restaurants while simultaneously endorsing mass protests, riots, and even looting as "reparations".

Amendment II – Under the guise of a “buy back” program, the federal government will try to confiscate your automatic weapons in relatively short order. They will also attempt to implement a national gun registry so they know exactly who owns a gun, how many, and where they live. And if that doesn’t work, they will simply shut down the companies that manufacture ammunition by bankrupting them via endless liability lawsuits. Guns don’t work without ammo.

Remember folks, the Second Amendment wasn’t written to protect the rights of hunters. It was written to protect the rights of the people against a tyrannical government… period.

Amendment III – The federal government no longer needs to quarter soldiers in your house to force you to comply. Technology allows them to track – and eventually control – your every move.

Amendment IV – “Big Brother” is listening! See the previous amendment for details on how the government will control you, your assets, your movements, and your freedom from afar.

Amendment V – This amendment has absolutely no chance of surviving under President Biden and soon-to-be President Harris. Citizens will be charged with hate crimes and incarcerated without due process; not only to shut them up, but also to intimidate others who might dare to resist. As for the deprivation of life, liberty, or property… just wait.

Amendment VI – Do you really think that the Justice Department in a Biden-Harris administration will think twice about stacking juries, making indiscriminate arrests without legitimate charges, or redefining what is meant by a “speedy and public” trial? If so, I have some swamp land in Florida and a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Amendment VII – Why bother with a jury trial when you can have a progressive judge, appointed by an authoritarian government, eliminate dissenting views far more efficiently? Next case on the docket…

Amendment VIII – Look into your crystal ball and tell me that you can’t foresee Attorney General Adam Schiff mandating bail amounts so excessive that conservatives rot in jail indefinitely… or fining conservatives so heavily that they are bankrupted in short order.

Amendment IX – What a unique concept: the government working for the people instead of the people working for the government. Sounds rather Lincolnesque to me. Sadly, Honest Abe is dead… and so is this amendment under a Biden-Harris administration.

Amendment X – This ship sailed a long time ago as the power and (over)reach of the Washington bureaucracy have grown exponentially since FDR. Oh, how our country could use another limited-government president like Calvin Coolidge.

Amendment XI – States rights? Who is kidding who? Everyone knows that, despite the best intentions of our Founding Fathers, Washington D.C. calls all the shots. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would simply try to codify that abuse of power.

Amendment XII – Chuck Schumer has already vowed that if the Democrats win back the majority in the Senate, the Electoral College will be on the chopping block. Sorry Wyoming, Vermont, and Alaska... you no longer matter.

Amendment XIII – You think I’m kidding that this amendment, which prohibits slavery, could be revoked? On the contrary, I think it’s a real possibility that someday Americans will once again be enslaved or imprisoned – not because of their skin color, but because of their religious and/or political views. The Soviet Union had its gulags and China has its re-education camps. What will the American version be called under Biden-Harris and the Progressives?

Amendment XIV – Other than the Fourth Amendment, which was violated by the Burger Court when it somehow found a non-existent reference to abortion to rationalize its ruling in Roe v. Wade, no amendment has been "used and abused" more than the Fourteenth. Honest historians will tell you that it was written to grant citizenship to former slaves (hence, its position between the 13th and 15th amendments, both of which deal with slavery and were adopted in 1865 and 1870, respectively).

You simply cannot convince me that Congress and the American people, in 1868, intended to award U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants. No way, no how.

Amendment XV – This amendment states that the right to vote cannot be denied or abridged based on race, color, or previous servitude. Unfortunately, it says nothing about stripping the right to vote from citizens who don’t think or act a certain way, or who don’t submit to a totalitarian central government. In legal parlance, that's called a "loophole".

Amendment XVI – You can thank Woodrow Wilson and the Democrats for this one, which authorizes a federal income tax. Just imagine the IRS being weaponized by a president and using its power to discriminate against conservatives and religious non-profits. What a minute, that already happened during the Obama administration. Remember Lois Lerner? I do… all too well.

Amendment XVII – The direct election of senators was a good idea. Granting statehood to Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. so that the Democrats have two more senators – and a permanent majority – is not. Neither is packing the Supreme Court, which is something Chuck Schumer has already promised to do... and Joe Biden won’t dare get in his way.

Amendment XIX – Women now have the right to vote and justifiably so. But what about the other 125 genders that have been "discovered" over the past several years? Stay tuned…

Amendment XX – The new term of a duly elected president is supposed to start on January 20th. But what will happen if the Democrats are still hunting for lost ballots on Inauguration Day? Al Gore’s pathetic attempt to steal the 2000 election with “hanging chads” – and by denying delayed military ballots from overseas – was just the beginning.

Amendment XXII – It is instructive to remember that this amendment was necessitated by FDR’s 12-year/4-election power grab. Don’t think the Democrats won’t try it again if given the chance.

Amendment XXIII – Under this amendment, the District of Columbia is granted electors, but not official (voting) congressional representation. That right is reserved for the actual states and Washington D.C. isn’t one… for now.

Amendment XXIV – I don’t see this one changing, but I just want to point out that its passage was deemed necessary because of the Jim Crow laws enacted by Southern Democrats. Yes, I said Southern DEMOCRATS.

Amendment XXV – Believe it or not, 80-year old Nancy Pelosi wants to invoke this amendment to remove 74-year old Donald Trump from office. There was even talk about invoking it when a fully-functioning President Trump was battling COVID for three whole days. So, it’s not a stretch to imagine the Democrats using it whimsically and irresponsibly to punish and remove their opponents... or to cast aside a 78-year old chief executive suffering from dementia within weeks of his inauguration.

Amendment XXVI – Nancy Pelosi has already gone on record as being in favor of further lowering the voting age to 16. "I myself [as opposed to I, not myself, I suppose] have always been for lowering the voting age to 16," Pelosi said. "I think it's really important to capture kids [that’s an unfortunate choice of words] when they're in high school, when they're interested in all of this, when they're learning about government, to be able to vote." In other words, let’s indoctrinate kids in our public schools and then give them the keys to the ballot box before they have a chance to clear their heads in the real world.

Amendment XXVII – Once the Progressives have permanent control of all three branches of our federal government – as well as the entire electoral process – what’s to stop them from voting themselves an endless series of pay raises?

Now for my closing thoughts…

In case you are keeping score at home, I predict that – under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – 25 of the 27 constitutional amendments will be under assault and either ignored, dismantled in part, or revoked in their entirety. Only the 18th and 21st amendments will remain unscathed, the ones that instituted and then repealed Prohibition. All the others will find themselves on the cutting room floor to one degree or another.

There is only ONE surefire way to stop this insanity from occurring and that is to re-elect Donald Trump for four more years… and then to elect someone like Mike Pence or Ted Cruz for the next eight. By that time, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the Democrat dinosaurs will be pushing up daisies and we can go mano-a-mano with AOC and the Squad.

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  1. Rob Fogel Rob Fogel Well done Dale. I cannot understand why liberals cant see this so clearly. As God has clearly blinded His People for His purpose Who is blinding those who think this is untrue. Friday, October 30, 2020
  2. Richard Wolf Richard Wolf I agree with everything said above, as always, except that while the above is a great summation of each Amendment, it may be a moot point because if the Dems steal the election the entire Constitution may be eliminated along with the "constitution" of the Supreme Court. I voted yesterday and encourage everyone to do the same (starting today if not done already). Everything hangs in the balance. Well done and said as always, Dale.
    Rich Friday, October 30, 2020
  3. Dale Glading Dale Glading Thanks, Rob & Rich! Friday, October 30, 2020
