Dale Glading's Blog

Rule Changes Are for Losers

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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There is a general rule of thumb when it comes to sports: The person or team that tries to change the rules in the middle of the game is usually losing.

Well, folks, meet a trifecta of L-O-S-E-R-S by the names of Biden, Harris and Walz.

Let’s start with President Biden, whose lame duck presidency is winding down in slow motion at about the same speed he walks across the White House lawn to board Marine One. You can actually clock Geritol Joe with an hourglass these days, maybe even a sundial, because he moves and speaks like a man 10-20 years older than the octogenarian he really is.

In any case, back when he was the presumptive Democratic nominee for president (that seems like ancient history now), President Biden was so flustered by the Supreme Court constantly reminding him that his job was to uphold – not undermine – the Constitution that he suggested increasing the number of justices. It didn’t matter to him that the number has remained unchanged since 1869. Just like FDR before him, President Biden designed an end-around play to circumvent SCOTUS by packing the court with liberal judges who would be all-too-happy to rewrite the Constitution to fit their Progressive ideology. Thankfully, that proposal was never taken seriously and got shot down early.

The next loser in our lineup is Vice President Kamala Harris. Sounding eerily like her cognitively-challenged mentor at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Ms. Harris has been pushing for the Senate filibuster rules to be changed so that pro-abortion legislation can be shoved down Americans’ collective throat. Currently, it takes 60 votes to break a filibuster, but Harris wants that threshold to be reduced to 50 (plus her tiebreaking vote as VP).

Apparently, Harris is willfully ignorant of the reason why the filibuster rule was enacted. Simply put, smarter people than her – which includes about 90% of the general population – wanted to ensure that the majority didn’t usurp the rights of the minority. While Alexis de Tocqueville is credited with popularizing the phrase “the tyranny of the majority”, it was referenced by James Madison in 1787 and John Adams in 1778, both men arguing in favor of the federal government being divided into three co-equal branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial.

It's called the separation of powers, Kamala, and it is designed to prevent a totalitarian dictator, a legislative body, or a rogue court from exercising complete control. As Lord Acton famously said, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Which leads us to Loser #3, Gov. Tim Walz, who wants to be America’s next vice president. Walz recently told guests at a swank fundraiser hosted by California Gov. Gavin Newsom that he favors eliminating the Electoral College. "I think all of us know the electoral college needs to go,” Walz told the deep-pocketed crowd, a remark that the Harris campaign quickly disavowed. In other words, Tim, it’s OK to think those things in your head, but don’t dare admit publicly that you favor an unconstitutional power-grab that would greatly diminish the rights of Americans living in rural areas.

Tampon Tim knows that nine large states account for 50% of our population and that Los Angeles County alone has more residents than 41 sparsely-populated states combined. And so, he figures that eliminating the Electoral College would allow the liberals in Southern California to unilaterally select the next President of the United States.

Unfortunately for Tim, our Founding Fathers stand in the way of his insipid proposal. Men like Madison, Franklin, and Hamilton had the intellect and foresight to establish the Electoral College to prevent small states like Rhode Island from being squashed by big states like Pennsylvania and Virginia. Today, the Electoral College plays a similar role, protecting ranchers in Montana and Wyoming and Native Americans in Alaska and the Dakotas from being disenfranchised by voters in California.

Just so we don’t run into this problem again between now and January 20, 2025, when Donald Trump is inaugurated as America’s 47th President, I am sending a copy of “The Constitution for Dummies” to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Tim Walz. Don’t worry, folks… it has lots of pictures.

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