Reagan's Secret for Success
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Even the most liberal of historians would have to admit that Ronald Reagan was one of our most effective presidents. Inheriting a nation, an economy, and a military in decline from Jimmy Carter, Mr. Reagan turned things around in a hurry. A sense of malaise gave way to a spirit of optimism and patriotism and, after four years of record inflation under his predecessor, we experienced a record economic boom. America’s military was also rebuilt, leading to the decline and eventual demise of the Soviet Union.
It is true that President Reagan’s acting career served him well as Governor of California and President of the United States. There is a reason why he was known as the “Great Communicator.” Mr. Reagan’s Irish wit and self-deprecating humor also won him far more friends than enemies.
However, if I had to choose one attribute that was the absolute key to Ronald Reagan’s political and personal success, it would be this: he kept things simple.
Mr. Reagan was no dumb bunny, no matter how the liberal media tried to portray him. On the contrary, his ability to focus on a few key priorities and then to communicate them clearly in order to create a consensus is what made his eight years in office so effective.
The United States is good. The Soviet Union – and Communism in general – is bad. Get it? Well, America did… and so did the rest of the world. As a result, just two years after Reagan stood before the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and demanded, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” it came tumbling down.
President Reagan painted in “bold, unmistakable colors with no pale pastels,” the very words he used in his mesmerizing and extemporaneous speech at the Republican National Convention in 1976 as he conceded the nomination to incumbent Gerald Ford. Today, the GOP would be extremely well served to do the same by drawing sharp distinctions between it and the Democrat Party, which is increasingly controlled by its Progressive wing.
Here is how the Gipper articulated the basic difference between America’s two main political parties…
“Republicans believe that every day is the Fourth of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15th.”
And there you have it, folks. Republicans stand for personal freedom and lower taxes, while Democrats advocate for more government control and higher taxes. If we, the party of liberty and fiscal responsibility, get back to basics, we will win this November and for many Novembers to come. However, if we simply become the “Democrat light” party, we will go down to defeat… and deservedly so.
The choice is ours, my fellow Republicans. Choose well by following in the simple but illustrious footsteps of our greatest president since Abraham Lincoln.