Dale Glading's Blog

Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Saturday, June 1, 2024

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By the time you read this, Deanna and I will be heading back from a 5-day trip to Kentucky. So why did we take a week off work to spend time in the Bluegrass State? To see a horse race at Churchill Downs or explore the wonders of Mammoth Cave? No, although I wouldn’t mind doing either of those things. However, the singular reason why we traveled to Kentucky was to invest in the spiritual welfare of our four oldest grandchildren.

At the top of our itinerary was the Ark Encounter, a life-size replica of Noah’s original ark. Yes, THAT ark that carried and protected eight people and two of every animal (as well as ones used for food and sacrifice) during the worldwide flood that covered the entire earth.

Yes, my friend, Mount Everest was once underwater!

We also took in the Creation Museum where the story of Adam and Eve – two real people who were our original ancestors, not apes – was depicted with stunning biblical accuracy. For those who aren’t familiar with our first set of parents, God created them on Day Six after which He rested.

Fables and fairy tales? Not for a minute! You see, I firmly believe with every fiber of my being that the biblical accounts of creation and the Great Flood are 100% historically accurate. In fact, they are part of the bedrock foundation of the Christian faith, and I want to expose my precious grandchildren to those eternal truths as early and often as possible.

Sure, there will have been loads of secular fun and games this week as well, but nothing in my life is more important than seeing Brady, Sadie, Levi, and Dylan – as well as Bella and Charlotte Grace, who were too young to make the trip – come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. And not just saving faith, but to become true men and women of God who are sold out to Him… lock, stock, and barrel.

That, and that alone, is the #1 priority in my life as I round the clubhouse turn and head into the homestretch. Before I cross the finish line, I want to be absolutely sure that those six precious souls will join me in heaven for all eternity. And so, I guess this trip, which will cost Deanna and me several thousand dollars, is simply a case of putting our money where our mouth – and our faith – is.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It has to be fought for and defended by each generation." Faith is no different. It, too, must be passed down purposely and passionately from one generation to the next to survive and flourish.

My friend, what are the top priorities in YOUR life? I pray that they are Jesus, your faith, and your family… in that order. After that, at least for me, comes country and friends. My career comes in a distant sixth place, if that.

After all, countries and careers are temporal at best, but eternal souls are priceless, especially the ones seated in rows 22 and 23 on our return flight into Orlando tonight.

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