Dale Glading's Blog

Punch-Drunk Joe

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

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Sen. Everett Dirksen famously said, " A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money." Well, I wonder what the late GOP senator from Illinois (yes, there used to be Republicans in Illinois) would say if he were alive today, watching Joe Biden toss around trillions as if there were no tomorrow… and at this reckless and irresponsible rate of spending, there might not be!

The long-term economic impact of such unprecedented and out-of-control government spending may not be known for years, if not decades. But one thing is plainly clear: Joe Biden is acting in his own best interests, not the country’s. The only question that remains is why?

Well, my friends, I have a theory about what motivates Crazy Uncle Joe… and it is fairly simple. I think Joe knows full-well that the clock is ticking on both his administration and his mental acuity. In fact, I sincerely doubt that he expects to run for re-election in 2024, let alone serve a full second term.

And so, realizing that the sun is quickly setting on a half-century political career almost completely devoid of meaningful legislative accomplishments, Joe has decided to push the fast-forward button on America’s remote control in an arrogant and self-centered attempt to establish a legacy before it’s too late.

By his own admission, Joe wants to be remembered in the same breath as Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. However, he is nothing more than an FDR and LBJ wannabee, and his impulsive spending spree lacks the focus and rationale of the New Deal, the Great Society, or the War on Poverty… all of which, by the way, were colossal failures.

Truth be told, Joe Biden reminds me of an aging boxer who is trailing in the late rounds. Desperate to keep his title, he starts flailing away, throwing a series of wild haymakers in a vain and futile attempt to retain his championship belt.

Some of us remember watching Larry Holmes dismantle an almost defenseless Muhammad Ali late in his career, only to see Mike Tyson bludgeon an aging Holmes a few years later. Joe Biden fits that mold of past-their-prime prizefighters to a tee.

In three years, Joe would have to step back into the ring against a younger and much swifter opponent. But I think he is painfully aware that he lacks the agility and punching power to go toe-to-toe with Ron DeSantis, Tom Cotton, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, or Kristi Noem. And so, the punch-drunk Commander-in-Chief is putting the “pedal to the metal” while he can still steer straight.

Sadly, it appears that Joe could care less about what happens to America once he receives the checkered flag and crosses the finish line. All that seems to matter to him is that people remember his final lap around the oval.

And to me, that’s both unpatriotic and pathetic.

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