Dale Glading's Blog

Our Poser-in-Chief

Monday, October 14, 2024

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He isn’t the most blatant example, but he is certainly a good one.

President Joe Biden likes to portray himself as a devout Catholic, but his pro-abortion position and his support for same-sex marriage are in direct conflict with official Church doctrine… not to mention that behind-the-scenes, he is a world-class potty mouth who drops F-bombs with remarkable regularity.

Of course, what do you expect from a man who served under Barack Obama, who took posing, preening, and pretending to a whole new level.

I remember listening to President Obama being interviewed in the announcer’s booth at the 2009 All-Star Game in St. Louis. Having just thrown out the ceremonial first pitch while wearing a Chicago White Sox jacket, President Obama was asked by the announcer who his favorite White Sox player was as a child.

After an uncomfortable pause, President Obama replied, “Well, I actually grew up a Cubs fan.”

“In that case,” the announcer said, refusing to let President Obama off the hook, “who was your favorite Cub as a kid?” This time, the dead air in the booth went on for so long that the announcer eventually – and mercifully – changed the subject.

Folks, I grew up a diehard Yankees fan, but being just two years younger than President Obama, I can name the entire starting lineup of the 1969 Chicago Cubs because it contained four future Hall of Famers (Ernie Banks, Billy Williams, Ron Santo, and Ferguson Jenkins), three perennial All-Stars (Don Kessinger, Glenn Beckett, and Randy Hundley), and another first-rate pitcher, Bill Hands, who went 20-14 that season.

In other words, Barack Obama wasn’t a real Cubs fan or a real White Sox fan for that matter. He was simply a poser, which is slang for (according to the Free Dictionary) “a person who inauthentically adopts a certain subculture; a fake or an imposter.”

Yep, that pretty much sums up the 44th President of the United States.

To prove that his All-Star Game debacle wasn’t an isolated event, President Obama – who often portrayed himself as a true “baller” – tried his hand at playing pick-up basketball at the White House one day. Joining a group of teens, President Obama took 20 jump shots and only made one. Even worse, he “bricked” one of the two layups he took.

Two for 22 ain’t getting it done, Mr. President.

I was reminded of those embarrassing “the emperor has no clothes” episodes as I watched a video yesterday of Gov. Tim Walz trying to load his gun during a photo-op. Walz, who brags about being an avid hunter, was dressed the part in his bright orange hat and vest. However, watching him fumble trying to load his gun while the camera continued to roll revealed the inconvenient truth: Tim Walz is no more an outdoorsman than he was a soldier who carried a gun in combat.

Not to be outdone, Vice President Kamala Harris frequently refers to being a proud gunowner herself. However, I have a hard time believing that she ever stuffed a Smith and Wesson inside her pantsuit or went to the shooting range on a date with the Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff.

Just like Hillary Clinton before her, Ms. Harris can also switch accents on command, pandering to and insulting her audiences in a pathetic attempt to identify with them. I think the word the media uses to describe Republicans who stoop to that level is “misappropriation”… and it’s a big “no-no” except when liberals do it.

You can say what you want about Donald Trump, but he appears to be comfortable in his own skin without pretending to be someone or something else. What you see is what you get with America’s 45th and soon-to-be 47th President… and I think more and more voters are attracted by that authenticity.

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