Dale Glading's Blog

Obama Give Me a Phone

Thursday, October 17, 2024

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It is a sound bite that will live in infamy.

During the 2012 presidential campaign, a news reporter interviewed a woman in Bedford, OH who was participating in a sign-waving rally for President Obama. When the reporter asked why she was supporting Obama’s re-election bid, the lady had this to say…

“Obama give me a phone. Everybody in Cleveland and every minority’s got a phone.”

The woman then doubled down on her support for the sitting president by saying that all it took to get an “Obama phone” was to sign up for food stamps, Social Security, disability, or to have a low income.

The interview ended with the lady saying that Mitt Romney “sucks bad”, apparently because he wouldn’t give her free handouts as readily as President Obama.

And that, my friend is one of the biggest problems in America. Ever since LBJ and the Great Society, an increasing number of Americans have become lazy, content to sit on their derrieres and collect government benefits instead of working. For them, sucking on Uncle Sam’s teat has become a way of life… and a preferred one at that.

Democrats have long recognized – and exploited – this growing trend while Republicans, to their credit, still believe in the Protestant work ethic and the American dream. Here are just a few examples of how the Democratic Party has perpetuated the idea of a permanently dependent underclass who will vote for (and sell their souls to) whomever offers them the most freebies.

Despite being told multiple times by the courts that it was unconstitutional, President Biden has tried again and again to offer loan forgiveness to college students in one of the most transparent and egregious examples of buying votes with taxpayers’ money in U.S. history.

What’s next, Joe? Mortgage forgiveness? Car loan forgiveness? How about credit card and vacation home forgiveness?

The entire premise of Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan is that poor unsuspecting college kids were too dumb or too immature to understand the terms of the loans they took out in order to get a bachelor’s degree in art history, ethnic studies, fashion design, or film production. For the record, those degrees rank #3, #11, #12, and #13 on EDsmart’s list of the 20 most useless college degrees.

And yet, the Democratic Party has floated the idea of lowering the voting age to 16. So, let me get this right. Eighteen-year-olds are too incompetent to comprehend the terms of their college loans, but 16-year-olds are fully capable of electing the next leader of the free world. Got it.

Then there is Vice President Kamala Harris, who has taken political pandering to a whole new level. In a desperate attempt to buy votes, she is proposing to give first-time homebuyers $25,000 towards a down payment. Hmmm… where is this money supposed to come from, Ms. Harris? Aren’t we already $35 trillion in debt, largely because of nonessential government spending and borrowing?

And isn’t that unfair to homeowners who had to come up with their own down payments without any help from Uncle Sam… just like President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan slights people who paid off their own loans, didn’t go to college, or chose a more practical major and/or a less expensive public university?

As her campaign flounders and her poll numbers in key battleground states continue to plummet, Ms. Harris now wants to give $1 million fully forgivable loans to Black entrepreneurs. Can you imagine the outcry if a white presidential candidate proposed giving start-up loans to white-only entrepreneurs? Another key point of Harris’s “Opportunity Agenda for Black Men” is to legalize recreational marijuana, presumably so black drug dealers can make a decent living without having to worry about being arrested.

Folks, please don’t take the bait. Biden and Harris are world-class political con artists who will say and do virtually anything to win election and stay in power… and Tim Walz is cut from the same unseemly cloth.

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