My Least Favorite Democrats
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
I feel like I just walked into a Golden Corral…
Do I start with the salad bar… or get a cup of soup… or head straight to the hot buffet? So it is when trying to narrow down the list of my Least Favorite Democrats. There are so many to choose from that it can be overwhelming just picking a relative handful.
However, since I enjoy a good challenge, I will give it my best shot. And so, in no particular order, here is a list of current and recent Democratic officeholders who – how can I say this delicately? – make me want to puke.
Adam Schiff – as repugnant as his liberal views are, what makes “Shifty Schiff” so nauseating is the fact that he is a pathological liar. As chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 2019 to 2023, he falsely claimed to have incontrovertible proof of Russian interference in the 2016 election. When his slanderous allegations were disproven, Schiff refused to retract his lies or apologize to Donald Trump for concocting the entire story… and to the American people for wasting their time and tax dollars on yet another witch hunt.
The chief House manager for the first Trump impeachment trial, Schiff is now running for the Senate seat vacated by Dianne Feinstein. That’s like going from the frying pan into the fire. At least Feinstein had a soul… and wasn’t nearly as smug.
Maxine Waters – aside from fomenting violence against conservatives, Ms. Waters may have the lowest IQ in the history of the United States Congress. She is also as corrupt as they come, having funneled millions of campaign dollars into companies owned by her daughter and other family members. Waters also lobbied the Treasury Department to bailout OneUnited Bank, where her husband was a former director and current stockholder. As a result of her efforts, OneUnited received $12 million in TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) payouts.
Due to her blatant commingling of personal and public monies, Ms. Waters was named one of the most corrupt members of Congress by CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) four different times. In June 2009, Citizens Against Government Waste named her their “Porker of the Month” for trying to obtain an earmark for the Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center.
A close associate of Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, Waters also objected to certifying the presidential elections of 2000, 2004, and 2016… all Republican wins.
Chuck Schumer – Chuckie is a lot smarter than Waters, but arguably more evil. I am convinced that he knows that most of what he is saying is blatantly false, but this soulless swamp creature who has lived on the public dole for almost 50 years (New York State Assembly, 1975-1980; U.S. House of Representatives, 1981-1999; and U.S. Senate, 2000-2023) says it anyway.
Like Adam Schiff, Schumer is a congenital liar who puts party – and personal ambition – before country.
Bill and Hillary Clinton – Bill is a serial rapist and Hillary is a serial liar. Together, they comprise the most despicable couple to ever occupy positions of power in the federal government. Bill, who at least was a competent politician, is a sexual pervert of the first degree, an allegation about to be proven when the list of Jeffrey Epstein’s cohorts is released next month. Meanwhile, Hillary has the distinction of being the least likeable presidential candidate in modern American history. She also refuses to blame her own arrogance and incompetence for blowing the 2016 election.
Bill is responsible for the debacle in Somalia, where an American serviceman was killed, stripped naked, and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu… with no American response other than retreat. Personally, I would have dropped leaflets warning everyone to leave town, after which I would have leveled the entire city.
In similar fashion, Hillary ordered American pilots in Sicily to stand down instead of rescuing the four patriots trapped on a rooftop in Benghazi. Coupled with her blatant destruction of more than 30,000 subpoenaed emails, there is more than enough evidence to convict her of treason.
Both of these sordid individuals should be locked away in a federal prison instead of drawing astronomical government pensions and commanding equally obscene speaking fees.
Nancy Pelosi – I almost feel bad including her on this list because she is so irrelevant these days. However, the first female Speaker of the House did more damage during her time holding the gavel – and left behind more carnage – than her 51 male predecessors combined.
Pelosi is also guilty of insider trading that lined her and her husband’s pockets to the tune of tens of millions, while also violating her own lockdown rules during the Covid pandemic.
James Clyburn – Currently serving his 16th term in Congress, Clyburn is almost singularly responsible for rescuing Joe Biden’s faltering presidential campaign in 2020. Biden, who hadn’t won a single primary that year – or, for that matter, during his two prior presidential campaigns in 1988 and 2008 – received Clyburn’s endorsement in South Carolina shortly before their primary. Black voters followed Clyburn’s lead… and the rest is history.
Clyburn also epitomizes the classic career politician who claims to be a Christian when it is convenient, but then supports unbiblical causes when it isn’t. For instance, he voted for the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, but later threw his support behind same-sex marriage, saying that his faith had “evolved.”
At age 83, it is time for Clyburn to go home to Sumter.
Joe Biden – Where do I begin? America’s 46th President is a soulless leech, who has said and done whatever it took to get elected and re-elected for the past 50 years. Although Joe once bragged that he had the lowest net worth in the U.S. Senate, he now owns three luxurious homes and has millions (that we know of) in the bank… all thanks to the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.
Lining your pockets at the public’s expense is bad enough, but selling your country out for personal gain is beyond reprehensible. So is refusing to resign and retire when you and everyone around you knows that you lack the cognitive ability to serve as Commander-in-Chief.
Just like Pelosi… and virtually every Democrat who claims to be a devout Catholic… Geritol Joe shelves his faith and supports abortion-on-demand because it is politically expedient.
Barack Obama – As incompetent as Joe Biden is, I don’t think he hates America. However, I am convinced that President Obama did and still does, which is why he tried to “fundamentally change” who we are as a nation and the values we have historically stood for. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and call him a Socialist… instead of the Communist he may very well be. Obama also did more to foment social unrest – and to create a racial divide – than any president in U.S. history.
Gavin Newsom – California’s governor is the white version of Barack Obama: suave, sophisticated, and supposedly cool; well-spoken yet devious and deceptive to the core. Beware of him, America.
Empty Suits and Political Hacks – Allow me to lump Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Tammy Duckworth, Tim Kaine, Ed Markey, Patty Murray, and a host of Democratic officeholders under this label. Below the surface, there is absolutely nothing of discernable substance to them. They just say what they think voters want to hear and, because they represent (in Kamala’s case, past tense) liberal states, the Democratic machine sees that they get re-elected ad nauseum.
And then there’s the hopelessly corrupt Bob Menendez, the intellectually comprised John Fetterman, and Raphael Warnock... a complete charlatan and a traitor to his avowed faith. More about him next week.
Like the Energizer Bunny, I could go on and on and on.
Finally, at least for now, there are the Mark Kellys and Jon Testers of the world, who throw just enough breadcrumbs (i.e. votes on unimportant issues) to the conservatives in their states to retain power. I detest fence-straddlers, I really do.
And so, we are back where we started… with a sick stomach over so many corrupt and incompetent Democratic officeholders who are largely responsible for our country’s demise.
(Oops, I almost forgot AOC and the rest of the anti-Semitic, anti-American, and morally bankrupt "Squad". If they are the best representatives of their respective districts, we are truly in trouble as a nation.)
Tomorrow: My Favorite Republicans