Dale Glading's Blog

My Favorite Republicans

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

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Just like yesterday’s article about My Least Favorite Democrats where the choices were virtually unlimited, there are too many solidly conservative Republicans to name in a single post. And so, I will limit myself to only Republicans that are currently holding a high-ranking state or federal office.

At the top of my list are Rand Paul, Ron DeSantis, and Tom Cotton. Two U.S. Senators and the governor of my adopted home state of Florida.

Say what you want, but Rand Paul may be the most refreshingly outspoken member of the U.S. Senate. Simply put, he refuses to back down to anyone… and that includes the nefarious Dr. Anthony Fauci, arguably the biggest phony in modern American history. Were it not for Rand Paul’s relentless questioning of the not-so-good doctor, Tony the Tyrant would be lobbying to become the fifth American to be immortalized on Mount Rushmore. Thanks to Sen. Paul, Dr. Fauci is now more likely to be breaking rocks at Leavenworth – or at least, to be stripped of his federal pension – than to be part of South Dakota’s #1 tourist attraction.

In a nutshell, Rand Paul is a strict constitutionalist, just like his dad. Not a bad lineage at all, although both men are a bit naïve when it comes to foreign affairs.

Speaking of strict constitutionalists, Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas adhere to our founding documents as much, if not more, than any of their colleagues except for Rand Paul. The only problem is that both men are a bit, shall we say stiff, which makes them more suitable for sitting on the Supreme Court bench than behind the Resolute desk.

Back to my second and third choices, listed above…

Ron DeSantis is a fighter with a capital F, which makes me wonder why so many people – my fellow Floridians included – think that only Donald Trump can stand up to China, the Washington Swamp, the Dark State, and our other enemies du jour. Watching Gov. DeSantis up close and personal, I see the real deal: a man who says what he thinks and does what he says.

He is also an Iraq War veteran, has only been married once, and is not under federal indictment. Just saying…

As for his fellow veteran Tom Cotton, the guy has future presidential contender written all over him. He is as smart as a tack, is extremely articulate, and has great political instincts. I am willing to lay 5-1 odds that he will be on a GOP presidential ticket sometime in the next 10 years.

It may be a little too early to rank House Speaker Mike Johnson in such rarefied company, but anyone who bases his political positions on the Bible and the Constitution is all right in my book. His first speech as Speaker was faith-filled and resonated with Scripture… and you can’t beat his Seven Core Principles of Conservatism: Personal Freedom, Limited Government, the Rule of Law, Peace Through Strength, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, and Human Dignity.

Others earning at least an honorable mention include Sen. Marsha Blackburn (TN), Sen. Josh Hawley (MO), Sen. Ron Johnson (WI), Sen. John Kennedy (LA), Sen. Tim Scott (SC), Rep. Byron Donalds (FL), and Rep. Jim Jordan (OH). Florida’s “dynamic duo” of Marco Rubio and Rick Scott deserves a shout-out, too.

Tomorrow: My Least Favorite Republicans

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