Liar, Liar, Plugs On Fire
Thursday, October 1, 2020
In the aftermath of Tuesday’s presidential debate/cage match/mud-wrestling exhibition, something has gone relatively unnoticed and unreported. That “something” is the litany of lies told on stage by Joe “Plugs” Biden.
If President Trump had been more restrained – and Chris Wallace less biased – Biden’s glaringly inaccurate statements might have hung in the air like COVID-19 droplets. Instead, they were quickly forgotten amidst the bare-knuckled brawl between the two political heavyweights.
And so, it falls on us passionate patriots (and the AP) to sort through the debris and call attention to Mr. Biden’s gross misstatements and bald-faced lies. Hang on, friends, it’s going to be a wild ride!
1. Joe Biden claimed that, “There was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military do tear gas.”
According to the Associated Press, “it was law enforcement, not the military, that used chemical irritants” to disperse the protesters. Likewise, there remains zero evidence that President Trump was inside a bunker at the time. So, it seems like “Basement Biden” was stretching the truth… again.
2. Biden falsely asserted that Trump will be the first president in U.S. history to lose jobs during his term in office. Well, it doesn’t take much research to discover that Herbert Hoover suffered a net job loss due to the Great Depression. Mr. Biden also conveniently forgot to mention that President Trump had created 6.7 million new jobs before the pandemic hit, putting him on a par with Harry Truman. Nor did Mr. Biden credit President Trump for the record economic rebound we are currently experiencing, with more than half of the jobs lost due to the pandemic already being refilled, the stock market setting record highs, and consumer confidence posting its biggest gains in 17 years.
And, since it took President Obama two full terms to create 11.6 million jobs, President Trump was on target to surpass his predecessor by more than 15% prior to the pandemic. Facts don’t lie, Joe, but liars do.
3. Commenting on Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Biden said that, “She thinks the Affordable Care Act is not constitutional.” The AP refuted that false claim, flatly stating, “That’s not right.”
Admittedly, Barrett has been critical of the ACA and court decisions that upheld it, but she has never called it unconstitutional. I guess Joe Biden can read minds… or he simply chose to demonize Judge Barrett by twisting the truth. Either way – deception or divination – Planned Parenthood approved of Joe’s purposeful lie.
4. “The fact of the matter is violent crime went down 17%, 15%, in our administration,” Biden boasted in the debate. Wrong again, Joe. Care to try a third guess? The REAL fact of the matter is that violent crime rates fell by roughly 10% from 2009 to 2016 and they actually spiked by 8% during the final two years of the Obama-Biden administration. Ouch!
5. When President Trump asserted that Joe Biden had joined forces with – some would call it surrendered to – Bernie Sanders to create a radical progressive manifesto, Biden vehemently denied it. “There is no manifesto,” Joe lied.
So, what exactly WOULD you call the 118-page document prepared by the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force, Joe? The next thing we know, you will be wagging your finger in the camera and making a Clintonesque denial about a White House intern.
6. Concerning the coronavirus, Biden alleged that President Trump never pushed President Xi to allow U.S. health officials into China in the early days of the pandemic. Even the liberal Washington Post awarded Joe three “Pinocchios” for that humdinger. And, for the record, Biden didn’t call for U.S. inspectors until February 25th, by which time they were already on the ground in China at President Trump’s insistence. Better late than never, Joe.
7. One of Biden’s biggest debate whoppers was claiming that during the pandemic, President Trump “has done nothing to help small businesses. Nothing.” Hmmm… let’s examine the facts, Joe.
President Trump’s Paycheck Protection Plan has provided $525 billion to more than 5.2 million U.S. businesses, saving an estimated 51 million American jobs. $30 billion of that was earmarked exclusively for small financial institutions serving minority communities.
Score another one for President Trump.
8. “My son did nothing wrong in Burisma.” Where do I begin? Maybe if Joe had omitted the word “wrong”, I could agree with him because Hunter Biden did indeed do nothing in Burisma… but was compensated to the tune of $50,000 per month anyway.
Despite Joe’s strong denials, good ol’ Hunter’s firm also received $3.5 million from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife, according to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Oops!
Can you say nepotism, influence peddling, and money laundering?
9. Seemingly, Joe just can’t stop lying. Here’s another blatantly false statement he made on Tuesday night: “Even before COVID, manufacturing went in the hole.” Geez, Joe, I wouldn’t call 510,000 new manufacturing jobs created under President Trump or 13,000 new factories, “the hole”. Maybe you were thinking about the Obama-Biden administration, during which 192,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs were lost.
I guess President Trump should have loaned Barry his “magic wand.”
10. Incurring the everlasting wrath of AOC and the Squad, Joe Biden virtually shouted, “That is not my plan. The Green New Deal is not my plan.”
Don’t you just hate it when your own campaign website calls you a liar? And I quote, the Green New Deal is a “crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.” I guess that’s why, despite Biden’s heated denial, both the Washington Post and Inside Climate News lauded him for embracing – dare I say it – the “central principles of the Green New Deal.”
I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. I just hope the rest of America does too, especially on November 3rd. The bottom line is that Joe Biden will say and do virtually anything to win the presidency… an office he has aspired to for the past 33 years.
Unfortunately, Chris Wallace did not hold VP Biden accountable for these misstatements. Friday, October 2, 2020
Friday, October 2, 2020