Dale Glading's Blog

Late to the Party

Saturday, September 5, 2020

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True story. A high school friend of mine was planning to attend one of our class reunions. He circled the date on his calendar, cleared his schedule, and started looking forward to seeing many of his old classmates.

When it came time for the big day, he showered, dressed, and headed to the long-anticipated reunion for the Pennsauken High School Class of 1977. Arriving at the hotel, he entered the ballroom and began looking around for some familiar faces. Much to his surprise, he didn’t recognize a single person. However, he simply chalked it up to the size of our class (600 students) and the ravages of time.

After about an hour, he grew tired of milling around and returned to the registration table, where he was stunned to discover that he was actually attending the reunion for an entirely different school. Somehow, my friend had missed our class’s big celebration by one week. You talk about being “late to the party!”

That sad phrase reminds me of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party as – after months of encouraging lawless riots, looting, and burning in America’s cities – they seek to reposition themselves as the candidate and party of law and order. How dumb do they think the American public really is?

The 180-degree turn that Biden and the Dems are trying to accomplish is akin to “hanging a uey” while driving an 18-wheeler on a narrow cobblestone street. It simply doesn’t work.

Which begs the question: Which is the real Joe Biden? The one who helped fashion the somewhat draconian 1994 Crime Bill that resulted in America’s jail and prison population exploding exponentially? Or the soon-to-be-octogenarian Joe Biden who was caught napping while BLM, Antifa, and other radical organizations set the streets of Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, and Rochester ablaze?

Apparently, Joe would have you believe that his six months of slumbering silence was an aberration, and that he is back to being a staunch advocate for the men and women in blue. However, our brave First Responders remember all too well Biden’s accusations of systemic racism and his original promise to “Yes, absolutely!” defund their departments. And they can’t forget that – when given the chance – he sided with the “peaceful protesters” while repeatedly throwing law enforcement officers under the proverbial bus.

The fact of the matter is that everything Joe Biden has said and done since George Floyd’s death has served to undermine the “thin blue line”. That is why the National Association of Police Organizations and countless other law enforcement groups have enthusiastically endorsed President Trump for re-election.

What accounts for Joe Biden’s sudden change of heart? Did he have an epiphany while watching news clips of city after city being engulfed in flames? Or was the turning point the nauseating scenes of looters trashing small businesses and smashing storefronts… all in the name of social justice and reparations? Were beatings of innocent bystanders in the streets the final straw or was the defacing and destruction of police cars and police precincts what brought Joe back to his senses?

Sadly, it was none of the above. In the most transparent and despicable move of his 47-year Washington beltway career, Joe Biden and his handlers took one look at his declining poll numbers – and President Trump’s rising ones – and made a calculated, purely political decision devoid of any real conviction other than getting Joe elected. Fearing a repeat of 1968, when Richard Nixon rode a “Law and Order” theme into the White House following the riots at the Democratic convention in Chicago, the Biden campaign turned on its political GPS and chose to “recalculate”.

I believe that the American people can and will see through this smokescreen, which is an insult to each and every voter. I am also confident that they recognize a soulless political puppet when they see one.

As Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Police Benevolent Association, put it, “Across this country, police officers are under attack. Our neighborhoods are being ripped apart by violence and lawlessness. Most politicians have abandoned us, but we still have one strong voice speaking up in our defense.”

No, Joe, he wasn’t talking about you.

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