Dale Glading's Blog

Kamala’s “Wink and Nod” Endgame

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Comments: 2

Apparently, Bernie Sanders didn’t get the memo…

In an interview on NBC News on September 8th, the socialist senator from Vermont refused to criticize Vice President Kamala Harris for abandoning many of her previously held radical positions in favor of some more moderate stances on abortion, drugs, energy, gun rights, healthcare, and immigration. Whereas Ms. Harris was against fracking, offshore drilling, private insurance, and the border wall – and in favor of late-term abortions, a mandatory gun buyback program, and decriminalizing drug possession and illegal immigration – in 2019 when she was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, she has recently had an apparent change of heart.

Let’s call it Kamala’s “come to Jesus” moment or more accurately, her “I’ll say anything to win” decision to sell her soul to the highest bidder as long as they live in a swing state with lots of electoral votes.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Harris shout “drill, baby, drill” or “build, baby, build” at her next campaign event. Yes, she is that much of a soulless and spineless flip-flopper.

Take my word for it, folks. There’s nothing more dangerous than an overly ambitious politician without a conscience.

Unfortunately for Harris, Sen. Sanders didn’t just stop by refusing to throw her under an emissions-free bus. The “Burlington Bloviator” simply can’t stop talking when you put a mic in front of his face. And so, he went on to say this about Ms. Harris and her constantly shifting positions…

“I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals,” the senator said. “I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.”

OOPS!!! Bernie just let the cat out of the bag… and now there’s kitty litter everywhere!

Although he carefully parsed his words, what Sanders really meant was that Harris was lying through her teeth to win votes… and that he and his fellow Progressives were OK with that. They realize all too well that should she win, Harris will immediately tack back to the left – the FAR left – when it comes time to fill her cabinet and implement policy.

With a wink and a nod, Ms. Harris has put her fellow socialists on notice. Give me another 48 days to lie my way into the White House and once I’m seated behind the Resolute desk, I’ll pretend I never embraced fossil fuels or the border wall. Climate change will once again be America’s most existential threat, DEI will be the law of the land, and the immigration faucets will be turned back on full blast.

Want to abort your baby in the 8th or 9th month? Go for it… as long as you turn in your gas-powered vehicle and your AR-15 first!

Don’t worry, Progressives. Hang in there seven more weeks and the Kamala you’ve grown to know and love will be back in all her Marxist glory. Best of all, the mainstream media will gleefully and dutifully cover her tracks, making sure that no one remembers the short-lived moderate version of Kamala the Chameleon.

Just like the leaves change their colors every autumn, so does Kamala Harris… at least in an election year.

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  1. Bart Mazzarella Bart Mazzarella Harris and Biden whose administration is responsible for much of the ills our nation has suffered over the past 4 years act like Donald Trump has been President this go 'round. They accuse him of Demagoguery, when in fact, they are the demagogues, they are the liars, they are the irresponsible ones. She is running as a failed candidate who want the electorate to view her as a "New Generation" of leader who will help America "Turn the page" on a discouraging and depressing chapter in our history. What a phony! Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  2. The author I couldn't agree more, brother! Thursday, September 19, 2024
