Joe Biden's Public Meltdowns
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Flashback to January 20, 2021…
Just minutes after taking the oath of office as the 46th President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden delivered a speech meant to convince Americans that his #1 priority was to unify the country after an extremely divisive campaign. Since then, he has done virtually everything in his power to divide us.
Exhibit A – In a January 2022 speech in Atlanta, President Biden angrily and bitterly attacked fellow Democrats Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for their unwillingness to change longstanding Senate rules that protect the minority party – and the constituents they represent – from being railroaded by the majority party.
Using some of the most inflammatory language ever employed by a sitting president, Mr. Biden asked the audience (and Manchin and Sinema in absentia)…
“Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Conner? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?
You talk about ramping up the rhetoric! Sen. Sinema, tired of being demonized for voting her conscience and not being a rubber stamp by a president of her own party, renounced her affiliation with the Democrat Party later that year in favor of becoming an independent. And who could blame her? No one likes being a perpetual punching bag.
The reaction to Joe Biden’s remarks was both swift and castigating…
“How profoundly – profoundly – unpresidential,” said Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on the Senate floor. “I’ve known, liked and personally respected Joe Biden for many years. I did not recognize the man at the podium yesterday.”
I suppose the only thing that I could add to Sen. McConnell’s remarks – other than the fact that I don’t like or respect Joe Biden, the quintessential self-serving career politician – is that President Biden conveniently omitted some very important historical facts in his speech.
That’s right… Martin Luther King Jr. was a registered Republican and George Wallace, the bigoted and racist governor of Alabama, was a registered Democrat. And of course, Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president whereas Jefferson Davis, before he became president of the Confederacy, was a Democratic senator from Mississippi.
But then again, why let history – and the truth – get in the way of advancing a radical and divisive political agenda?
Exhibit B – In another angrily delivered and highly divisive speech, President Biden attacked former President Trump and MAGA Republicans while standing with clenched fists in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia on September 1, 2022. Comically, he defended the veracity of his comments by saying – with a straight face – “I give you my word as a Biden” as if that surname is associated with anything other than lying and corruption.
Once again, the feedback was instantaneous and highly critical…
"Every time I think Biden and crew can’t be dumber, they outdo themselves,” tweeted Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy. “Seriously, who gives a speech warning people about how dangerous Republicans are to Democracy while having a background that looks like the Soviet Union and Hitler had a baby?"
Political satirist Tim Young also weighed in. "I'm not saying ‘fascism’ officially had its coming out party in America tonight... I'm just saying Biden condemned his political opponents as a threat to America and democracy set to a blood red background with the military standing behind him."
And Mia Cathell, an investigative reporter with had this to say. “Nothing screams unity like a backdrop of blood red lighting and Marines positioned behind Biden as he shouts with raised clenched fists from the podium.”
Exhibit C – In his fourth and hopefully final State of the Union address on March 7, 2024, a frenzied President Biden screamed and shouted for more than an hour, ripping everyone from “my predecessor” (13 times) to the Supreme Court of the United States, a co-equal branch of the federal government. Mr. Biden’s tirade against Mr. Trump shows just how much the former president has gotten into his head… and how much he fears a fall rematch.
As for attacking the Supreme Court justices sitting in the front row, knowing that they are not permitted to respond to his withering criticism, it was the act of a scared, cowardly, and classless bully.
You can blame President Biden’s increasingly bizarre behavior – going from cognitive incoherence one minute to screeching diatribes the next – on whatever drug cocktail his doctors, handlers, and other enablers are giving him. Regardless of who is most at fault (I vote for Dr. Jill Biden), President Biden is the epitome of an angry and bitter old man who resents everyone and everything.
Like Mitch McConnell said, “How profoundly – profoundly – unpresidential.” And, may I add, dangerous for America.