Joe Biden's Foreign Policy Fiascos
Friday, December 22, 2023
"I think he [Joe Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” – Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama
Webster’s defines the word “fiasco” as “a complete failure.” Its synonyms include the following: bomb, bummer, bust, catastrophe, clunker, debacle, disaster, dud, fizzle, flop, lemon, loser, turkey, and shipwreck.
Pick any of the above phrases and you have an apt description of Joe Biden and his foreign policy as president.
In 1913, French mathematician Emile Borel posited what is known as “the infinite monkey theorem.” In a nutshell, his theory is a hypothesis that states that an infinite number of monkeys, given an infinite amount of time and typewriters, would eventually produce the complete works of William Shakespeare or any other written text. The idea behind the theorem is that given enough time and randomness, even highly improbable events can occur… such as Joe Biden making a single correct foreign policy decision.
Almost three years into the Biden administration, we are still waiting for Geritol Joe to validate Borel’s theory. But alas, the monkeys in Borel’s experiment are outperforming America’s 46th Commander-in-Chief.
It all started with the disastrous and shameful Afghanistan withdrawal that left behind American blood, American citizens, American allies, an American airbase, and $7.1 billion in American weapons including almost 80 aircraft; nearly 42,000 pieces of night vision, surveillance, biometric, and positioning equipment; and $48 million worth of ammunition. Nice job, Joe!
And yet, President Biden continues to call our retreat and withdrawal “a success.” I wonder what he would consider a failure to be?
Meanwhile, the U.S. has sent $85 billion in assistance to Ukraine for humanitarian, financial, and military purposes… only to achieve a prolonged and protracted stalemate. Personally, I am not opposed to Ukrainian support, but believe it should have been offered sooner – when it would have made more of a difference – and with far more accountability. After all, no one knows better than Joe (and Hunter) just how corrupt the Ukrainian government is.
Then there is the war in the Middle East, where President Biden continues to pressure Israel to “call off the dogs.” Thankfully, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has turned a deaf ear to Joe’s entreaties, promising to press on to “ultimate victory.” Good for you, Bibi!
Iran? Well, Joe approved swapping prisoners with the radical Islamic regime, but instead of a straight five-for-five trade he agreed to sweeten the pot by freeing up $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets. Naively, Joe took the Iranians at their word that the money would only be used for humanitarian purposes.
Yeah, right! Since the prisoner exchange, Iran and its proxies have launched more than 90 missile and drone attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria. Geez, Joe, I wonder where they got the money for those missiles?
Lest we forget, Joe has also gone hat-in-hand to beg Saudi Arabia to produce more oil after he turned off the spigots in the U.S. Not surprisingly, the Saudis rebuffed Joe and he left the Middle East with his tail between his legs… forcing the U.S. to buy even more oil from the socialist regime in Venezuela.
And then there’s China…
It was reported this week that, at their recent summit in San Francisco, Chinese President Xi Jinping told President Biden point blank that it wasn’t a question of if, but when his country would gain control of Taiwan. President Xi said that China preferred to do so peacefully but did not rule out military action.
Can you imagine Xi or any other Chinese leader saying that to President Trump’s face? Or, for that matter, to Ronald “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” Reagan? Foreign leaders recognize and respect strength. They can also smell weakness a mile away and do not hesitate to capitalize on it.
Remember Jimmy Carter and the Iranian hostage crisis? Or Bill Clinton and Mogadishu? How about Barack Obama and Benghazi or his infamous “red line” in Syria?
The last Democrat president that America’s enemies feared was John F. Kennedy and before that, Harry S. Truman. Joe Biden couldn’t carry either of those leader’s lunch pail.
So, there you have it folks, just a few of Joe Biden’s foreign policy fiascos. I shudder to think what the New Year will bring.