Dale Glading's Blog

Joe Biden and Ben Affleck Make Strange Bedfellows

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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Charles Dudley Warner, a 19th century American journalist, is famous for coining the phrase, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” His reasoning was that many power-hungry politicians are willing to say anything, do anything, and even to partner with anyone if it means getting them elected… and re-elected… and re-elected again. Power is an aphrodisiac and far too many Washington swamp creatures – as well as officeholders in smaller but equally putrid ponds across America – are ensnared by its enchanting embrace.

So, what does that have to do with Joe Biden and Ben Affleck? The obvious answer is that every Democratic politician and every Hollywood star is required to be a far-left lunatic lest he or she be ostracized by the party’s elite and the film industry, respectively. But what else do the 81-year-old President of the United States and the 52-year-old Oscar-winning actor have in common? Well, in the past week, both of them were publicly disrespected before the entire world and they took it like a couple of spineless sycophants.

In Biden’s case, he went from being the presumptive Democratic nominee for re-election to becoming an embarrassing afterthought at this week’s DNC. What was supposed to be a coronation became a coup and Biden, a career politician who lacks a strong moral core, stood idly by as he was unceremoniously kicked to the curb. The final indignity was scheduling his convention “farewell address” on the opening night and delaying it until 11:45 PM EDT. By the time Biden finished his rambling and mean-spirited speech, virtually everyone in three of America’s four continental time zones was tucked into bed. That means only the folks in California, Washington State, and parts of Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada (along with Alaska and Hawaii) were still awake when Geritol Joe exited the convention stage for the final time.

And I do mean “final” time, because if you think that Joe Biden will still be alert enough in four years to deliver another convention speech, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you at a bargain basement price.

Unfortunately for Joe, that’s what happens when you sell your soul to get elected. After all, Biden failed to win a single primary in his two previous failed bids for the White House in 1988 and 2008… and without Rep. Jim Clyburn stepping in with a last-minute endorsement in 2020, Joe wouldn’t have won the South Carolina primary that catapulted him to the nomination. Strangely, within a week of his lone primary win, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar had dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden, and both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were on the ropes.

You see, Joe, you didn’t really earn the Democratic nomination in 2020. The truth of the matter is that the party elites were looking for a marionette that they could manipulate, and you fit the bill to a tee. Ironically, these same behind-the-scenes powerbrokers decided you had to go in 2024, which is why you are vacationing in California this week while the next puppet is being propped up in Chicago.

Have you no pride, Joe?

One could ask the same question of Ben Affleck, a shell of a man who was seduced, emasculated, and then discarded not once but twice by the Black Widow herself, Jennifer Lopez. Just like a female praying mantis devours the male after mating, J.Lo chewed Ben up and spit him out… again… cruelly filing for divorce on their two-year wedding anniversary. Affleck now joins three other ex-husbands and countless lovers (Sean Diddy, Alex Rodriguez, et al) who fell under the intoxicating spell of “Jenny from the Block” only to be tossed aside like yesterday’s newspaper.

The moral of today’s story is that what goes around, comes around. If you are willing to exchange your integrity and political independence for power, don’t be surprised when the same people who installed you later abandon you. Standing for everything and nothing at the same time isn’t sustainable… and Joe Biden learned that the hard way.

The same goes for Ben Affleck, a recovering alcoholic whom I am sure regrets ever leaving Jennifer Garner, the mother of his three children, and settling down with a man-devouring diva. One can only hope that he lands on his feet and not in an alley.

Damn Yankees is a Broadway musical that tells the story of a long-suffering fan of the lowly Washington Senators who makes a deal with the devil to win his team the pennant. Joe Boyd, the protagonist who becomes Joe Hardy the power-hitter, has enough sense to include an escape clause in his devilish deal. Unfortunately for Biden and Ben, they lacked the same foresight and are now having to pay the piper.

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