Dale Glading's Blog

Jill Biden, the Intelligence Community, & the MSM Owe America an Apology

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Websters defines the word enabler as “one that enables another to achieve an end, especially one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (such as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior.”

If Websters were to include a picture alongside that definition, it would most likely be of Dr. Jill Biden, America’s First Lady and #1 elder abuser. Her thirst for power, position, and prestige (not to mention wealth) has apparently blinded her to the fact that her husband is a walking corpse, incapable of ordering off a fast-food menu let alone running the most powerful country in the world.

Either that or she isn’t blind but is a willing co-conspirator, which would be infinitely more incriminating.

Speaking of co-conspirators, the Cambridge English Dictionary defines that term as “someone who plans secretly with one or more other people to do something bad or illegal.” Yep, that pretty much describes the mainstream media to a tee.

There is a reason why the freedom of the press was enshrined and forever safeguarded in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Simply put, our Founding Fathers believed that a free press was inextricably linked to liberty as a whole.

Don’t take my word for it, take theirs…

“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” – Benjamin Franklin

“The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable.” – James Madison

However, it wasn’t just our Founders who held the freedom of the press to be a sacred and necessary right. Two very prominent 20th-century presidents, both Democrats, believed the same.

“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” – John F. Kennedy

“Freedom of the press is essential to the preservation of a democracy; but there is a difference between freedom and license. Editorialists who tell downright lies in order to advance their own agendas do more to discredit the press than all the censors in the world.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Notice that, in addition to promoting the critical importance of a free press, both Kennedy and Roosevelt warned of the dangers of a press that purposely lied to the public to achieve its own goals and advance its own agendas. And my friends, that is exactly what the mainstream media has been doing for the past eight years and beyond.

Because they refused to report the facts – and instead chose to formulate and propagate known lies – here is the unvarnished truth of the last three presidential election cycles.

There was no Russian collusion in 2016… Hunter Biden’s laptop was the real deal… and Joe Biden is in serious cognitive decline.

The first lie almost tipped the scales from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton in 2016. And in 2020, the efforts by the New York Times, the Washington Post, Facebook, Twitter, and other liberal media outlets to discount, discredit, and bury the New York Post’s expose about Hunter’s incriminating laptop not only impacted the election results, but also delivered the Oval Office to Joe Biden on a silver platter.

Don’t believe me? Here are the findings from an extensive national poll conducted by the New Jersey-based Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics…

“A whopping 79 percent of Americans suggest President Donald Trump likely would have won reelection if voters had known the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop – that it was real and not “Russian disinformation,” as intelligence officials aligned with Joe Biden falsely led the public to believe.”

The Technometrica poll also found that “47 percent said that knowing before the election that the laptop contents were real and not “disinformation” would have changed their voting decision – including more than two-thirds (71 percent) of Democrats.”

In addition to the MSM, whom did the poll respondents blame for knowingly dispensing false information while covering up true information? “Among those following the topic, almost three-quarters (74 percent) believe that the FBI and Intelligence Community deliberately misled the public – and voters – when they claimed the laptop was “disinformation” and part of a Kremlin plot to hurt Biden’s candidacy.”

If you want to pinpoint a true turning point in the 2020 election, it was this…

“On October 19, 2020, more than 50 former U.S. intelligence officials, including CIA Director John Brennan, signed a public letter claiming the material published by the Post from Hunter’s hard drive “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” although none of them had seen it. Joe Biden cited their letter in the presidential debates to deflect questions about the laptop.”

To show the depth of their narcissistic collusion as well as their collective depravity, these same three parties – Jill Biden, the intelligence community, and the mainstream media – were in the midst of joining forces to once again deceive the American people in 2024… until, that is, Geritol Joe let the cat out of the bag with his disastrous (and largely incoherent) debate performance.

And so, not only should Dr. Jill Biden be prosecuted for elder abuse, but reporters for the mainstream media should be permanently stripped of their press credentials... and the upper echelon of America’s intelligence agencies should turn in their security clearances and be tried for treason.

No lesser authority than Walter Cronkite, known as Mr. Believable because of his factual reporting and unbiased commentary, would agree.

“Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy,” he said. Ironically, Cronkite was a classic liberal, but he didn’t reveal his true political leanings until after he had retired from the profession… and no one would have guessed where he stood politically because of his straight-down-the-middle reporting.

We miss you, Uncle Walter!

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