Is Gavin Newsom Toast?
Thursday, January 16, 2025
In a normal world, the former Golden Boy of the Golden State – and the presumed frontrunner for the 2028 Democrat presidential nomination – would be a political corpse today.
Despite years of warnings from conservationists, firefighters, and even Donald Trump, Gov. Gavin Newsom failed to order the thinning of California forests and the clearing of its underbrush, resulting in the worst and most deadly wildfires in the state’s history. Not only that, but his refusal to redirect water that could be used to fight fires – prioritizing the Delta smelt, a 3-inch endangered fish, over the state’s 40 million residents – left hydrants dry at the height of the apocalyptic wildfires.
So, the smelt are safe, but thousands of Californians are now homeless, watching helplessly as the flames engulfed their houses and destroyed their belongings. Currently, the death toll stands at 25 but it is expected to go much higher as the Santa Ana winds continue to blow and the wildfires continue to burn out of control.
When asked about the dry hydrants, Newsom pathetically blamed local officials for their lack of foresight and preparation. That’s a far cry from Harry “The Buck Stops Here” Truman, perhaps the last honest, hard-working, common-sense Democrat to walk the planet.
Speaking of the planet, the latest estimate is that at least 40,000 acres of pristine forests are now burnt to a crisp and the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the wildfires exceeds the combined exhausts of every American car over the past 10 years. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Gavin!
Under normal circumstances, those catastrophic environmental consequences would be enough to stick a fork in Gavin Newsom’s presidential aspirations, but don’t underestimate the liberal media’s ability to rewrite the narrative should Prince Not-So-Charming decide to seek the Democrat nomination in 2028. Likewise, the uninformed masses that flock to the polls every four years have the same six-second memory as a goldfish. They are also very easily manipulated… and the Democrat powerbrokers know that all-too-well.
Just remember that the Biden-Harris administration somehow convinced more than 40% of the voting public that the border was secure, that inflation was transitory, and that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a military success. As P.T. Barnum supposedly – and very prophetically – said 150 years ago, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
In the aftermath of the California wildfire fiasco, you would have to be a sucker on steroids to ever vote for Gavin Newsom again… but that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t happen. After all, Californians just elevated Adam Schiff from the House to the Senate, despite his spreading more lies as ranking member of the Intelligence Committee than the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
One last point that should be the final nail in Gavin Newsom’s political coffin. During his six years in office, California’s state budget grew over 63%, climbing from $200 billion in 2019 to $325 billion in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. After adjusting for inflation and California’s population losses, this represents a 38% per person increase in real (inflation-adjusted) state government spending.
I wonder what Harry Truman and P.T. Barnum would say about that!