Dale Glading's Blog

Iceberg, Dead Ahead

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

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Watching the primary season come to an early and abrupt end, it occurred to me that America is now on a collision course with November 5th, similar to the fate experienced by the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912. Captain Edward Smith was alerted to the huge iceberg dead ahead, but it was too late to avoid it entirely. And so, despite First Officer William Murdoch’s order to reverse engines and steer hard to port, the iceberg ripped a series of gaping holes in the starboard side of the luxury liner below the water line… and it sank to the bottom of the near-frozen North Atlantic in less than three hours, claiming roughly 1,500 lives.

Once thought “unsinkable,” the Titanic now lies more than 12,000 feet below the surface in a lifeless nautical graveyard. The only question that remains is will America suffer a similar fate?

In our national pride, we view the United States as a virtually indestructible ship of state and yet, signs of moral and financial decay have become increasingly apparent over the past 60 years. We have gone from the Greatest Generation, which survived the Great Depression and defeated two totalitarian regimes during World War II, to a country adrift and taking on water below decks faster than we can bail it out.

Exhibit A is the redefining of marriage, a once sacrosanct institution that has served as the bedrock of every civilized nation since the beginning of time. It is now permissible for adults of the same sex to exchange wedding vows, often in a church that sanctions their union. How can legalized bigamy, polygamy, and the marriage between an adult and a “consenting” minor be far behind?

Meanwhile, out-of-wedlock birth, which is the leading predictor of future incarceration and lifelong poverty, is skyrocketing, especially in minority communities where 73% of children are born to unwed mothers. Unfazed, Uncle Sam rewards each new birth with additional welfare benefits, providing that a financially supportive father is not in the picture or the house.

Exhibit B is the endless and unabated slaughter of tens of millions of preborn babies, most of them sacrificed on the altar of selfishness and personal convenience. Despite Roe v. Wade being mercifully overturned by the Dobbs decision in 2022, the number of abortions in America has actually increased year over year as per the Guttmacher Institute’s findings below.

“In the first 10 months of 2023, there were an estimated 878,000 abortions in the formal US health care system, 94% as many abortions as were provided in 2020 (930,000). Approximately 88,000 abortions have been provided in the formal health care system per month so far in 2023, so with two months of data yet to be published, it is very likely that the total number of abortions provided in 2023 will substantially exceed 2020 numbers. The actual increase in abortions is likely even larger than these numbers suggest because these counts do not include abortions occurring outside the formal health care system, which are likely to have increased substantially following the implementation of state bans and restrictions.”

With Republicans losing elections in swing states and swing districts over “reproductive rights,” more accurately referred to as murder-for-hire, I fear it is only a matter of time before the GOP’s knees start to buckle on the issue.

Exhibit C is the redefining of gender, championed by Progressive science-deniers who refuse to accept that there are only two sexes, determined prior to birth and based on something as simple, elementary, and medically-demonstrable as XX and XY chromosomes. Believing the lie, parents are subjecting their gender-confused children to abusive and irreversible hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as bodily mutilation. And if the parents won’t oblige, courts and school systems are all too ready and willing to step in and usurp parental rights.

Exhibit D is $34 trillion in federal debt. Read that again, folks: $34 trillion of debt, which equates to almost $100,000 per U.S. citizen and is dragging down our economy like cement boots on a drowning man. Not only is our national debt spiraling out-of-control as spineless politicians in Washington refuse to rein in deficit spending, but it has left America vulnerable to our enemies, many of whom have purchased our debt and could demand immediate repayment. If they do, our economy will start circling the drain like a tub full of dirty bathwater.

Exhibit E is the debacle at our southern border, where millions – perhaps tens of millions – of immigrants have crossed illegally into our country. Instead of being turned away or apprehended and deported, they have been largely welcomed by bleeding-heart liberals who shower them with free benefits not available to legal immigrants or native-born citizens… just as long as the aforementioned illegals don’t move in next door.

The endless waves of illegal immigrants once came from Mexico as well as South and Central America. Now, more and more of them are arriving from Africa and Asia, including an alarming number of young men from the People’s Republic of China, leaving one to believe that a large-scale terrorist attack is not a question of if, but when.

I hate to sound like a doomsdayer, because until recently I considered myself an eternal, even hopeless optimist. However, the storm clouds gathering over the Potomac provide ample warning that a cataclysmic deluge of Noah-like proportions is coming that only a merciful, benevolent, and long-suffering God can avert.

My fellow Americans, we need to turn back to God. Today, not tomorrow, and not next week. We are living on borrowed time and God’s patience will someday soon be exhausted.

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