How to Save America in One Simple Step
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Tomorrow morning, Americans will wake up to either a slim Republican majority in the U.S. Senate or a 50-50 tie, in which case the presumed Democratic Vice President, Kamala Harris, will cast the deciding vote.
If the Republicans hold the Senate, there will be a firewall protecting the country from a potentially devastating one-party rule for the next two years. However, if the Democrats win both Senate seats in Georgia, the system of “checks and balances” will be dissolved and the Progressives will be free to implement their radical anti-American agenda.
But there is good news! Regardless of how today’s runoffs play out, I have a solution that is guaranteed to effectively stem the tide of radicalism in America and to permanently safeguard our founding Judeo-Christian principles. Want to hear it?
Good, let’s start with a few helpful statistics…
According to World Atlas, Evangelical Protestants make up nearly a quarter of the population of the United States. Catholics comprise another 22% of Americans, making Catholicism the largest religious denomination in the country with approximately 77.4 million members as of 2017. There are an additional 7.2 million Jews and 6.6 million Mormons in the U.S.
Based on those numbers, candidates who support America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and the key elements of those twin faiths – such as the existence of absolute moral truth as prescribed by God and His Word, the sanctity of human life, and the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman – should win every election. Likewise, politicians who cast votes that undermined these values would be defeated at the ballot box and booted from office.
So, why hasn’t that happened? Why did Joe Biden, who openly supports abortion on demand and same-sex marriage, supposedly receive more than 81 million votes? And how come Donald Trump only received 74 million votes (and counting) despite appointing multiple pro-life justices to the Supreme Court?
The answer is simple… and embarrassing. Inexplicably, enough Evangelicals, Catholics, Jews, and Mormons cast ballots that violated the very tenets of their faith to alter the results of the election. In other words, they identified more as Democrats or liberals or Trump-haters than they did as Evangelicals, Catholics, Jews, or Mormons.
Simply put, had every member of the aforementioned faith groups voted in accordance with their spiritual profession, Donald J. Trump would have been re-elected to a second term as our 45th president. Instead – unless God, Congress, or the courts intervene – Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th… and no one is to blame but people of faith.
I can’t speak for Catholics, Jews, or Mormons. And for that matter, I can’t speak for all Evangelicals either, so I will just speak for myself. When I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior in March 1977, my identity changed forever. Sure, I was still the fifth child and third son of Bill and June Glading. And yes, I remained a resident of Merchantville, New Jersey in the good ol’ USA. But my primary citizenship was transferred from the United States to heaven… and my earthly identity also underwent a radical transformation.
Nothing – not ethnicity, skin color, political affiliation, or socio-economic background – trumped my primary allegiance to God and the Bible. End of story.
Silly me… I took that whole “new creature in Christ” doctrine espoused by the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17 seriously. I also sincerely believed his teaching in Galatians 2:20 that I had been crucified with Christ. And since the old Dale Glading no longer lived but rather, Christ lived in and through me, my new life (and yes, my vote) were no longer mine to do as I pleased.
How dare I accept God’s offer of salvation and a permanent residence (let alone a mansion) in heaven, and then cast a ballot that violated His eternal Word? And yet, that is apparently what every Biden-voting Evangelical did. For that matter, how dare Joe Biden call himself a Catholic when he callously defies official Church teaching?
If – and it’s a BIG if – every person who professes true faith in the God of the Bible viewed political issues through the lens of that faith, America and American values would be safe for not just the next election, the next generation, or the next century. They would be permanently written in stone because they would be forever engraved on our hearts.