How to Commit Political Suicide by Chuck Schumer and the Democrat Party
Thursday, February 20, 2025
The early returns are in… and Chuckie Schumer can’t be very happy.
In a Quinnipiac University poll released this week, only 21% of voters said that they approved of the job that the Democrats in Congress are doing whereas 40% gave the Republicans in Congress two thumbs up. Now, I realize that a 40% approval rating is nothing to brag about under normal circumstances, but it represents an all-time high for the GOP. Conversely, the 21% figure represents an all-time low for Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and the rest of the Democrats on Capitol Hill.
So, what has caused such a monumental shift in the way Americans perceive the two parties? Well, Donald Trump has a lot to do with it.
Even people who don’t like the man personally are giving President Trump high marks for the energy and toughness he has exhibited since taking the oath of office just one month ago. Of course, compared to “Geritol Joe” Biden, the wax figures in Disney’s Hall of Presidents seem more lifelike.
But there’s more. Americans are amazed to see a politician actually keeping his campaign promises, one after another. Most don’t, but Donald J. Trump does… and voters find that extremely refreshing.
The flurry of executive orders that President Trump has signed since taking office has kept the Democrats – and America’s enemies – on their heels, which has made for great political theater. In short order, Mr. Trump has faced down Canada, Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, and Panama as he makes his way across North and South America. He has already set his sights on the situations in Gaza and Ukraine, and has Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran in his peripheral vision.
If the first 30 days of Trump 2.0 are any indication, this should be a whirlwind four years… so you’d better buckle up!
Another factor that has voters swinging in the GOP’s direction has to do with Elon Musk and D.O.G.E. Nobody likes being taken for a sucker – whether it’s by a Ponzi schemer or a used car salesman – and now they are finding out that our federal government is a little bit of both. Make that a lot of both, because the wasteful and reckless spending that Elon and company have uncovered is making Americans madder than a hornet’s nest.
And therein lies the rub. While 70% of Americans are cheering on the bespectacled nerds at D.O.G.E., Chuck Schumer is rallying (paid?) crowds on the Capitol steps to defend USAID and the other government agencies that have flushed taxpayers’ dollars down foreign toilets for decades.
Memo to Chuck: defending the indefensible isn’t the best way to reclaim the majority in the House and the Senate or to win the White House in 2028. In fact, I can’t think of a better way to further alienate the American people than to act like you don’t care about how their hard-earned tax dollars are spent.
Proverbs 16:18 reads, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Maybe Chuck, Hakeem, and the rest of the Democrats in Congress should crack open the Good Book before it’s too late and they go the way of the Whigs, the Dixiecrats, and the Know Nothing Party.