Hillary and Obama 2.0
Monday, August 19, 2024
What could possibly be worse than Hillary 2.0? How about Obama 2.0? Or worse yet, a combination of Hillary and Obama, which is exactly what the DNC is peddling this week for its rabid devotees as it prepares to nominate Kamala Harris as its standard bearer.
Barack Obama broke the proverbial “glass ceiling” for blacks in 2008 and Hillary Clinton came close to doing the same for women in 2016. Now, in the eyes of the Progressive radicals who control the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris offers the best of both worlds… and the liberal coalition that is built on nothing more than identity politics couldn’t be happier.
This week, I predict that you will hear very few references to Harris’s positions on the economy, the environment, and immigration because they are unpopular and when implemented, have proven disastrous. Instead, you will hear speaker after speaker talk about her in glowing terms as if she is a fresh new face with no record or policy baggage to defend.
In 2008, the Democrats nominated a glib junior senator from Illinois who had zero legislative accomplishments in either the U.S. Senate or the Illinois State Senate. But that didn’t matter then and sadly, it doesn’t matter now… at least to the people who cast their votes based on gender and/or race. The DNC will simply portray Harris as a blank canvas and voters can fill in the colors as they see fit.
However, if voters looked closely enough now, they would see Harris for what she is: a career politician whose views are to the left of Bernie Sanders. That is why GovTrack.com named her – not Bernie – as the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate from 2018 to 2020.
Truth be told, Harris and her views more closely resemble those of Che Guevarra, the Marxist revolutionary and compatriot of Fidel Castro, than they do the average Democratic voter. But you will hear nothing about Kamala’s leftist leanings at the convention… and only after her election will Americans fully comprehend the depth of her radical political agenda.
Under a Harris-Walz administration, capitalism will be relentlessly attacked while socialism – under a more generic name – will be championed. Corporations will be endlessly demonized, and a Mao-style collectivism will gain momentum. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurial spirit and the Protestant work ethic that together built America into a superpower will give way to wealth redistribution and a guaranteed annual income.
Unable to afford the higher taxes necessary to pay for all of the “free” programs emanating from Washington D.C., Americans will cede more and more personal responsibility (and personal freedoms) to a centralized and increasingly powerful federal government in exchange for the Leninist promise of “cradle to grave” care. And America, Ronald Reagan’s “shining city on a hill”, will give way to yet another failed socialist experiment the likes of Cuba or Venezuela.
That, my friends, is what this November’s election is all about. Our choice is between an admittedly imperfect egotist whose America-first policies are sound and strong… and a disciple of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Zedong. Yes, that same Chairman Mao whose disastrous economic plan, coined the “Great Leap Forward”, resulted in a sharp contraction in the Chinese economy and an estimated 30-45 million Chinese deaths by starvation, execution, torture, forced labor, and suicide. According to Investopedia, it was the largest single, non-wartime campaign of mass killing in human history.
Choose well, America… or forever hold your peace.