Dale Glading's Blog

Government Gone Wild

Friday, February 9, 2024

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Patrick Henry, my favorite Founding Father, famously declared, “Give me liberty or give me death!” However, were he alive today, I think ol’ Pat may revise his immortal words to read, “Give me limited government or give me death!”

Nothing else – except for a national spiritual revival where Americans repent of our individual and corporate sins and turn wholeheartedly back to God – would be more beneficial to the United States, its citizens, and our collective future.

Famed abolitionist and clergyman Henry Ward Beecher would agree. “The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government,” he wrote.

So would Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense. “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

And finally, Alexander Hamilton – who wrote many of the Federalist Papers and portions of the U.S. Constitution while also serving as our first Secretary of the Treasury – would concur 100%. After all, Mr. Hamilton once said, “It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government.”

I don’t know about you, my friend, but I am sick and tired of the bureaucrats in Washington D.C. trying to control and micro-manage my life. As an adult, I deserve to make my own choices in life and to reap the benefits or consequences of those actions. And, as an American citizen, I deserve and demand no less.

Here is what I want the federal government to do…

1. Secure our borders and protect us from enemies foreign and domestic by maintaining a strong military. In other words, for the President and Congress to uphold their respective oaths of office.

2. Properly maintain our infrastructure including roads, bridges, airports and seaports as well as our power grids.

3. Ensure that our food and water supply is clean and healthy.

That is pretty much it. Anything beyond those three primary functions is government overreach.

Sure, I may have forgotten one or two other essential services that the federal government provides, especially in the area of banking and our monetary system. However, too little government is far better than too much.

I love you, Uncle Sam, but stop telling me what to do and how to do it. Just take care of the shortlist above… and then get the heck out of my way. And while you’re at it, stop confiscating my hard-earned money through exorbitant taxes to pay for things I don’t need and don’t want.

End of story.

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