Dale Glading's Blog

Dumbing Down the Military

Sunday, July 14, 2024

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News Flash: Men and women are equal, but they are not the same. God made men and women to be unique and complementary, one sex possessing traits and attributes that the other lacks and vice versa. For instance, men are usually physiologically taller and stronger, whereas women are often more sensitive and nurturing. On average, women outlive men by about five years and yes, only biological women can give birth.

Equal but different… and I for one am extremely grateful for that!

In our 39-year marriage, I have been the primary wage earner, and my wife has been the primary caregiver. For us, that tradeoff works well, and our three well-adjusted adult children, three wonderful in-law children, and six precious grandchildren are proof positive.

But what about other areas of life besides marriage? To me, men and women are equally capable when it comes to excelling in school, succeeding in business, and serving in public office. However, in areas such as athletics, it is best for men to compete against other men and women against other women. Which begs the question: what about military service?

When the U.S. military opened combat roles to women and made other areas of service available that were previously off-limits, Progressives cheered and feminists roared while some others withheld their judgment until the dust settled. Well, enough time has passed since many of the gender-based barriers were removed, so how did things turn out?

First, let me say that – based on the number of women who have served bravely and effectively in certain combat roles in certain combat theaters – there is no doubt that women play a vital part in America’s military preparedness. I applaud each and every one of them, and thank them sincerely for their service.

However, a deeper analysis of military data raises a few questions… and more than a few eyebrows. In a 2017 report, only 25% of female recruits entering Marine Corps boot camp met the physical requirements for those jobs, a test known as the MOS Classification Standard. By comparison, the pass rate for male recruits was 96%.

The gender-neutral standards at boot camp and MOS schoolhouses are designed to “give a reasonable assurance” that Marines are physically fit enough to do the jobs for which they are training, said Brian McGuire, deputy director of the Marine Corps’ Force Fitness Division.

The Army ran into a similar problem in 2021 when 54% of female recruits failed the gender-neutral Combat Fitness Test. So what did Congress do? They lowered the physical fitness requirements for both men and women to artificially inflate the pass rates. Women are now required to “run” two miles in under 23 minutes. Basically, that is the equivalent of a slow jog or a brisk walk. Pushups? Would you believe just 10?

Lowering the bar means that, as I approach my 65th birthday in September, I could pass the Combat Fitness Tests with flying colors. And that, my fellow Americans, is wrong. Sure, I am fairly fit for someone about to qualify for Medicare, but do you really want to entrust your nation’s defense to someone eligible for Social Security benefits?

Dumbing down our military by lowering standards isn’t the answer and the United States Armed Forces isn’t the place for social experimentation. We want – and need – the best, brightest, and fittest people in uniform, whether that meets DEI and gender equity standards or not.

(As an aside, I applaud the heroic efforts of the Secret Service agents who put their lives on the line to protect President Trump in Butler, PA on Saturday. However, did you see what I saw when they were trying to shield President Trump after he stood up and prepared to exit the stage? There was a gaping hole – wide enough for a canon ball, let alone a bullet to pass through – because one of the female agents was about a foot shorter than the former president. Once again, I would think that a minimum height requirement would be necessary for Mr. Trump’s personal detail. Unfortunately, Kimberly Cheatle, the Director of the U.S. Secret Service, has stated that her #1 goal for the agency is to ensure that at least 30% of all agents are women. IMHO, that is an arbitrary, misguided, and potentially dangerous goal. Political candidates and officeholders don’t care about the age, race or gender of their personal bodyguards, they just want to be kept safe; so let’s start picking the best and most qualified personnel instead of trying to meet some ridiculous and politically correct quotas).

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