Dale Glading's Blog

Did You Hear the One About the Liberal Who...?

Monday, November 6, 2023

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Yesterday, I shared a few thoughts on why liberals are so nasty and self-loathing… and promised to expand on that topic again today. After all, it’s not like there is a lack of material or examples!

Let me start with the Progressive’s penchant to try to change who they are and where they came from in a vain attempt to stop hating themselves.

Exhibit A is Rachel Dolezal, the former president of the Spokane, WA chapter of the NAACP from 2014 to 2015. Born to two Caucasian parents in Lincoln County, Montana where, according to the 2010 census, 95.9% of the residents are white and 0.1% are black, Dolezal was forced to resign after her parents outed her. Dolezal later (reluctantly) admitted to being born white, but said that she self-identified as black, even having attended Howard University (an HBCU) in Washington D.C.

What caused a blonde haired and blue-eyed teenage girl to so despise her race, ethnicity, and upbringing that she would dye and perm her hair, darken her skin, and assert that she had a black father… a blatantly false claim that was easily disproven? Self-hatred – and a warped and compulsive desire to be accepted by her fellow Progressives – are the only answers I can come up with. Sadly, her self-delusion ran so deep that she actually taught a course titled, “The Black Woman’s Struggle” at Eastern Washington University before she was exposed as a world-class fraud.

The irony of Ms. Dolezal’s racial duplicity is that it backfired on her. In December 2017, Shawn Vestal of The Spokesman-Review called Dolezal "Spokane's undisputed heavyweight champion of racial appropriation." So much for being “trans-black,” Rachel.

Exhibit B is Tut Tarantino, an aspiring rapper who recently got called out – and publicly exposed – by his father, former NFL great Michael Irvin. While appearing on Fox Sports’ “Undisputed” program, Irvin had this to say…

“I got a son. He raps. His rap name is Tut Tarantino. If you ever listen to some of his raps, I’m like, ‘Oh my god. Where does this come from, son?' You grew up in a gated community your whole life.”

Why would a young man who experienced such a privileged childhood try to make people think that he is from “the hood?” Some of Tut’s songs include lyrics about drugs, gun violence, and other aspects of what his father referred to as “the old thug life.”

“He’s rapping my life ‘cause we romanticize and fantasize about that old thug life, ghetto life and all of that stuff, when we used to work to get away from,” Irvin said. “Now, we’ve gotten to a place somehow (that) we’re running back towards it: in the music, in everything.”

The bottom line is that if you really want to be taken seriously as a card-carrying Progressive, you had better (1) be a minority or at least denounce and apologize for your whiteness; and (2) be raised in poverty and/or be willing to denigrate and vilify capitalism as an economic system (at the same time you are reaping its benefits).

You can just imagine the turmoil going on inside a Progressive’s mind…

“If only my parents weren’t cisgender (the liberal’s way of saying heterosexual or what we used to call normal) and if only I hadn’t been raised in a stable and loving middle-class home. Why couldn’t my parents have been Cuban revolutionaries or Hamas terrorists? Thanks to them and their archaic sense of self-reliance and fiscal responsibility, I never got to experience the transformational joys of being on food stamps.”

Folks, we live in an upside-down world these days, where the Protestant work ethic is mocked, and marriage is considered antiquated and obsolete. If you really want to succeed in 2023 – if you define success as being accepted by the liberal intelligentsia – it is best to live in your parents’ basement until you are 35 or 40… and then blame a society that values education and initiative for oppressing and discriminating against you.

Better yet, have a few out-of-wedlock babies and then expect others to pay for their upbringing. That’ll show them! After all, everyone knows that it takes a village to raise a child, not two heterosexual and married parents.

In other words, play the victim card even if you never were one, and ignore and abhor the concept of personal responsibility. While you’re at it, try demonizing everyone who got ahead in life because they stayed in school and were willing to start at the bottom but with their eyes on reaching the top.

Simply put, liberals are hopping mad because our way works and theirs doesn’t. Case closed.

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