Dale Glading's Blog

Democrats and Judgment Day

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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Watching the DNC this week has made me think about a passage of Scripture that eerily describes the proceedings in Chicago. The passage in mind is Proverbs 6:16-19, which reads as follows…

“There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up discord among brothers.” (BSB)

By the end of Day One of the convention, the Democratic Party had already committed all seven detestable sins, acts that the King James translation refers to as “abominations.” Here they are, in no particular order.

The easiest abomination to identify is the DNC championing of infanticide under the misnomer of “women’s reproductive rights.” The Bible couldn’t be any clearer: God hates the shedding of innocent blood… and there is no blood more innocent than that of a preborn child who was created in the very image and likeness of God Himself.

In the Old Testament, the Canaanites practiced child sacrifice, believing that killing their first-born child on an altar would cause Molech, a false Phoenician god, to bless them financially. God condemned this barbaric practice but today, millions of women still offer up their children on the altars of personal ambition, convenience, and promiscuity every year.

Like He did with the Canaanites, God will judge a political party that openly embraces such callous cruelty.

Haughty eyes? The Oxford Dictionary defines haughty as “arrogantly superior and disdainful.” That pretty much describes the speeches given by Hillary Clinton, AOC, and scores of others who consider themselves to be morally superior to the rest of us.

The same goes for a lying tongue and a false witness who gives false testimony. Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow claimed that the Supreme Court has made President Trump “completely immune from prosecution,” an allegation so egregiously and demonstrably false that even CNN called her out on it. Ms. McMorrow also erroneously claimed that President Trump’s campaign had developed Project 2025 (it was actually written by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank with no ties to the Trump campaign) and that one of the main goals of Project 2025 is to make President Trump a dictator.

Falsehood after falsehood and one unproven (and outrageous) allegation after another…

However, the gold medal for spreading half-truths and whole lies goes to America’s Liar-in-Chief, President Joe Biden. Here are just a handful of the absolute whoppers he told during his 45-minute convention speech (as fact-checked by CNN)…

Biden’s claim: That billionaires in America pay an average tax rate of 8.2%.

CNN: The top 400 U.S. households paid an average effective tax rate of about 24.3% and the top 0.1% paid roughly 30.3% in 2020.

Biden’s claim: Carbon emissions will be cut in half by 2030.

CNN: The U.S. is on track to reduce carbon emissions by 32-43% by 2030.

Biden’s claim: The federal government is removing every lead pipe from schools and homes.

CNN: The Biden administration is spending $15 billion to remove lead pipes from public drinking systems over the next decade, but they do not have the authority or resources to remove lead pipes on private property.

Biden: “We used to import products and export jobs. Now we export American products and create American jobs right here in America.”

CNN: So far this year, the U.S. has imported more goods than it has exported, resulting in a seasonally adjusted trade deficit of $567 billion. In fact, our trade deficit widened since Biden took office. In 2020, the trade deficit was $901 billion, but it grew to more than $1 trillion in Biden’s first year in office and has remained above that threshold every year since.

Biden: IBEW workers are at work “installing 500,000 charging stations all across America” to power electric vehicles.

CNN: The actual number is 66,000 charging stations with 180,000 EV charging ports.

I could go on and on, documenting Biden’s false claims about abortion, health insurance, and other key issues, but you get the idea. The bottom line is that Democrats are bald-faced liars and think nothing of twisting (or fabricating) facts and figures to fit their radical Progressive agenda.

That leaves “a heart that devises wicked plans” and “one who stirs up discord among brothers.” Well, Joe Biden – who promised to be a unifying president more than a dozen times in his inaugural address – has done everything in his power to sow discord and division in America. And no one’s heart devises more wicked plans than the Democratic trifecta of Kamala “price controls” Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer… just to name a few of the party’s powerbrokers… and you can add Tim Walz and Hakeen Jeffries to that list, too.

Let me just say that, based on Proverbs 16:16-19, I wouldn’t want to be a registered Democrat on Judgment Day.

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