Debunking the Liberal Lies About Abortion
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Where would we be without the contributions of Lazaro Spallanzani, Jacques and Pierre Curie, Paul Langevin, SY Sokolov, Donald Sproule, Floyd Firestone, Karl and Friederick Dussik, George Ludwig, Ian Donald, and Philip Green? These men – and countless other anonymous and obscure doctors, researchers, scientists, and physicists – developed and refined what we know today as the modern ultrasound.
This medical and scientific breakthrough has allowed doctors to peer inside the human body to diagnose previously unknown illnesses and to perform previously impossible operations. And yes, to detect an embryo’s beating heart as early as 18 days after conception.
That simple discovery has singlehandedly debunked and permanently discredited the liberal lie that a preborn child is just a blob of inanimate tissue that can be removed and discarded as mere medical waste. The truth of the matter is that abortion stops a beating heart… and under 18 U.S. Code § 1111, which defines murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought”, a rationale person must logically conclude that abortion qualifies as premeditated murder.
Another liberal lie that deserves to be debunked because it is so debased is the one that goes like this: “It is better to abort a baby than to subject it to a life of potential poverty, pain, and lack of privilege.”
Following such ludicrous reasoning, the world would have been robbed of Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela, all of whom grew up in adject poverty. And can you imagine the incomparable voice of Andrea Bocelli being silenced simply because he was born partially blind due to congenital glaucoma?
More than 50 million Americans, roughly 15% of our country’s population, have some type of physical or mental disability and many of them were born that way. Do abortion-on-demand advocates really believe that these people should be “spared” a life filled with challenges to overcome?
And since poverty is more prevalent amongst children of color – 25.9% for American Indian children, 19.5% for Hispanic children, and 17.8% for Black children – how is suggesting that abortion is an easy solution not considered racist?
Finally, liberals love to accuse conservatives of being pro-life before birth but disinterested and disconnected afterwards. That’s why they support killing 1,000,000 preborn babies each year but then lavish expensive social service programs on the ones that slip through the abortionist’s fingers.
As the old saying goes, figures don’t lie… but liars figure. Study after study comes to the same conclusion: conservatives give more generously to charities than do liberals. Even the far-left leaning New York Times had to admit in a 2018 article that, “Republican-dominated counties have the highest rates of donations to charity.”
In other words, liberals are generous with Uncle Sam’s checkbook, but not with their own.
One last Progressive fallacy that must be laid to rest…
There are approximately 1 million preborn babies aborted in the United States each and every year. Meanwhile, there are an estimated 2 million loving and financially capable couples waiting to adopt a newborn child. That means that if every aborted child had been carried to term, delivered, and given up for adoption instead of being murdered in its mother’s womb, there would still be 1 million couples waiting to adopt a newborn baby.
Let that sink in, liberals.