Dale Glading's Blog

Dan Bongino Nails It... Again!

Friday, January 19, 2024

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Last week, I tuned into Dan Bongino’s radio show while I was driving. Once again, Dan provided some very valuable insights for his listeners, a few of which I’d like to share with you in case you missed his program on Thursday.

During one segment, Dan warned about what was being discussed at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The meeting was attended by over 60 heads of states and nearly 300 ministers and other political leaders, most of whom arrived via gas-guzzling private jets.

One of the discussion topics was carbon tracking, a still-developing technology by which governments will be able to track the size of an individual citizen’s carbon footprint. Once it is perfected and fully implemented, the autocrats and bureaucrats will know what kind of car you own, how far you traveled, and how much gasoline you used. They will also know what you ate and in particular, how much meat you consumed.

Sounds a little freaky? You betcha!

But globalists want to control every aspect of your life because they are convinced that they are morally and intellectually superior. Left to our own devices, you, me, and the rest of the huddled masses that are destroying the planet by our mere existence would self-destruct in a matter of minutes… or so they think.

Not content to micromanage our food and energy supplies, these egotistical eggheads are also hellbent on introducing a central bank digital currency. No more paying for your gas or groceries with cash, which is hard for the power-elite to monitor and control. Instead, in their utopian and cashless society, the government will issue you a credit or debit card that will be linked to your bank account and every other financial asset you have.

If you behave by purchasing government approved items such as electric cars and veggie burgers, you will have access to your own digital funds. However, if you try to buy something from the “naughty” list, your assets will be frozen.

No sirloins steaks or SUVs for you!

One delegate at the forum went so far as to coin a new phrase for people who disobey their dictates. If we don’t tow the line by eating seaweed salads and heating our homes with solar panels, we will be guilty of committing “ecocide,” which is short for genocide against the environment. Yes, that’s the liberal intelligentsia’s new term for those of us who refuse to worship at the altar of climate change and Mother Earth.

It’s coming, folks, unless we stand up and stop this New Age nonsense in its tracks.

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