Dale Glading's Blog

Dale's Laundry List of Wants and Don't Wants

Saturday, July 8, 2023

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In no particular order, here are some things that I want and don’t want. Try making your own list or adding to mine.

I want law and order in the streets. In fact, I demand it. The primary function of government is to maintain order, so Uncle Sam had better start doing his job by cracking down on illegal behavior such as shoplifting, looting, assault, carjacking, and public indecency.

I want a government that provides an equal playing field for everyone… and then gets the heck out of the way. No more playing favorites and no more subsidizing anyone, including green energy companies and welfare cheats. People should rise and fall on their own merits, and by the sweat of their own brows.

Speaking of welfare, since when did it become the federal government’s job to subsidize out-of-wedlock birth… or other immoral behavior that leads to poverty, crime, and a host of other social ills? We need more personal responsibility and fewer government handouts. Let churches, charities, and other houses of faith step up and fill in the gaps, as needed.

I want the federal government to live within its means… period. And since we are currently $32 trillion in debt, I demand that the bureaucracy in Washington be downsized – or dismantled altogether – until our debt is paid in full.

I want a secure border. No more excuses and no more delays. Finish the wall now and make sure it is impregnable. Detain and deport any illegal immigrants who manage to slip through the cracks… and invoice their country of origin for the costs incurred.

I want our country to stop policing and subsidizing the rest of the world. Yes, America is the main defender of freedom and democracy in the world and yes, we are always the first ones to respond to a natural disaster or other crisis. But enough is enough, especially when there are so many unmet needs here at home.

I want America to be energy independent. That means drilling our own oil, mining our own coal, and building new nuclear power plants. Under the current administration, we have been committing economic suicide by refusing to use the fossil fuels God placed right under our feet. President Biden’s shortsighted and foolhardy energy policies have also endangered our national security by draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and making us dependent on our enemies.

I want schools to recognize that children belong to their parents, that teachers are to instruct not indoctrinate, and that reading, writing, and arithmetic are more important than pop culture.

I want a valid photo ID and signature verification to be required to vote in every election in every state, county, and municipality. Voter fraud is illegal and unpatriotic… and must be completely eradicated.

I want adoption to be less cumbersome and less expensive. One of the biggest arguments made by pro-abortion advocates is that mothers will be forced to raise unwanted children. Let’s call their bluff – and further discredit their faulty logic – by streamlining and incentivizing adoption.

I don’t want a two-tiered justice system, where the rich and powerful get away with crimes for which the rest of us would be prosecuted and imprisoned. Equal justice under the law isn’t just a sound bite or a campaign slogan. On the contrary, it is one of the pillars of our society.

I don’t want Americans who never owned slaves to be forced to pay reparations to people who were never enslaved themselves. Call it what you will – extortion, redistribution of wealth, or socialism on steroids – but it’s wrong, plain and simple.

And finally, a couple of minor pet peeves…

I want to be able to drive my car without being audibly assaulted by another vehicle that is literally shaking because the bass is turned up too loud (with the windows down no less). I also want to be able to walk into a store without being visually assaulted by teens wearing their pants beneath their butts, allowing their tattered underwear to be on full display. Finally, I don’t want to be pressured or shamed into tipping at the donut store or donating at every check-out line. I already give very generously to churches and charities of my own choosing, thank you very much.

To be continued…

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