Dale Glading's Blog

Conmen and Crocodile Tears

Monday, March 3, 2025

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Let’s start with the conmen…

At the top of the list has to be CNN’s Jake Tapper, who anchors The Lead with Jake Tapper from 4 PM to 6 PM each weekday. Whereas Tapper’s program rivals The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer for the highest rated news program on CNN, it is still crushed by a 3-to-1 margin by both The Will Cain Show and The Five on the Fox News Channel.

Tapper, who co-moderated the lone presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden last June, had an up-close-and-personal look at how cognitively diminished President Biden had become. And yet, like the rest of the mainstream media, he did his best to hide the obvious from his viewers.

Believe us, we were told, instead of your own lying eyes!

In a now infamous October 2020 interview with Lara Trump, Tapper scolded President Trump’s daughter-in-law for saying that President Biden was displaying clearly visible signs of cognitive decline. “You have absolutely no standing to diagnose someone’s cognitive decline,” Tapper reprimanded her in a condescending tone of voice.

Fast forward to November 6, 2024 – the day after Donald Trump decisively defeated Kamala Harris to win a second term as president. Tapper, along with Axios correspondent Alex Thompson, decided to write a book about why the Democrats went down in flames that fall.

Their conclusion? There was a mass and very coordinated “cover-up” of the former president’s “serious decline.” No, really, Jake Tapper had the audacity to admit that… and now he and Thompson are ready to cash in on what the American public already knew but what the Biden White House – aided and abetted by their socialist sycophants in the media – tried to hide.

Simply put, the 46th President of the United States was a cognitive mess from Day One… and most probably, well before then too. And now you can read all about it by forking over $30 to Jake Tapper for a copy of “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again”.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tapper! And yet, the pseudo-journalist is not alone.

EVERY member of the mainstream media was complicit in this coverup as was EVERY Democratic member of Congress and EVERY member of the Biden family. Shame on them all.

Sadly, the word “shame” isn’t in their vocabulary or else they wouldn’t be playing yet another shell game with the American people when it comes to D.O.G.E. Let me explain.

Do you remember the outcry from the Democrats on Capitol Hill when President Biden, with a stroke of his pen, canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline project within hours on taking the oath of office? Yeah, me neither. And yet, two years later, a Senate report detailed the devastating economic impact of Biden’s indefensible decision.

“At the time of its closure, the Keystone XL Pipeline project was already under construction and employed more than 1,500 workers. By the end of 2021, the Keystone XL pipeline was projected to provide approximately 11,000 jobs. The closure erased thousands of real, high-paying jobs and approximately $800 million in wages.”

11,000 jobs gone overnight and $800 million in lost wages never to be recovered… and yet, not a single peep from the same sanctimonious hypocrites who are now moaning and complaining as President Trump and Elon Musk work (for free) to save taxpayers trillions of dollars by ridding our government of fraud, waste, and excessive spending while offering nonessential workers generous severance packages.

Give me a break!

How about when loyal and longtime government employees – including more than 8,000 U.S. servicemen and women – were terminated for not receiving the mandatory Covid vaccination? Yes, you read that right. More than 8,000 of our best and bravest fighting men and women, who put their lives on the line every day to defend our country, were summarily discharged from the military for refusing to give up their bodily autonomy… and nary a word was said from the Progressive “my body, my choice” wing of the Democrat Party.

Meanwhile, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries and company would have you believe that the cruelest thing that our federal government has ever done was to terminate nonessential federal employees who were earning an average salary of $144,000 while giving them a golden six-month parachute to guarantee a soft landing. I guess they have conveniently forgotten the infamous Trail of Tears, which occurred as a result of President Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act… or Executive Order 9066, issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which forced more than 117,000 Japanese-Americans into “relocation camps” during World War.

Of course, both of those despicable acts – along with the imposition and defense of slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow laws – were committed by Democrat presidents, Democrat administrations, and Democrat congresses, so I guess they don’t count.

So much for claiming the moral high ground!

And so, when these same congressional charlatans cry crocodile tears over the career bureaucrats whose no-show jobs have been deemed unessential, forgive me for casting a cynical eye in their direction. To them, it’s nothing more than political theater, meant to score some more media points at taxpayers’ expense.

Speaking of which, is there anything crueler than spending our great-grandchildren’s money before they are even born and saddling future generations of Americans with mountains of unsustainable debt to the tune of $36 trillion and counting? Unless, of course, it is murdering preborn children in their mother’s womb because carrying them to term and allowing one of the 2 million couples in the U.S. that are waiting to adopt them would be too much of an “imposition”.

More on that on Wednesday…

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