Buying Votes with Your Tax Dollars and Mine
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
If I were to define the term “patriot,” I would say that it is a person who puts his or her country’s interests above their own. Using that definition, I can say with 100% assurance that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John and Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, and many other Founding Fathers were true patriots. So were Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan (not by coincidence, they were all Republicans).
Applying the same criteria, I can also definitively say that Joseph Robinette Biden is not a patriot. In fact, if the opposite of a patriot who puts country before self is a traitor who puts self before country, then there is no question that Geritol Joe is a traitor to America.
Need proof? OK, buckle up your seat belt because we are about to go for a long and very bumpy ride.
On August 24, 2022, President Biden announced – just three months before the midterm elections – that his administration was arbitrarily cancelling up to $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell grant recipients and up to $10,000 for non-Pell grant recipients. To quality, individuals couldn’t earn more than $125,000 per year and married couples more than $250,000 per year.
Believe it or not, President Biden tried to use the pandemic-era HEROES Act as rationale for forgiving a whopping $430 billion in student loans for approximately 40 million people. Thankfully, before his blatant usurpation of power (cloaked as an executive order) could go into effect, the Supreme Court struck it down on constitutional grounds. I guess when Sleepy Joe recited his presidential oath of office, he forgot the part about preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution of the United States… so help me God.
And so, here is a little refresher course for the most constitutionally illiterate, corrupt, and incompetent man to ever occupy the Oval Office. Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 (known as the Appropriations Clause) and Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 (known as the Tax and Spending Clause) grant Congress exclusively the power of the purse. In other words, all monetary matters must originate in – and be approved by – Congress. Period, end of story, no ifs, ands or buts about it.
Undaunted, President Biden has since sought multiple times to incrementally circumvent SCOTUS’s ruling and thereby violate one of the absolute cornerstones of our constitutional republic: the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches that has served as a checks-and-balances system for more than 230 years.
With his re-election bid in serious peril and his poll numbers showing that he is bleeding support amongst younger voters, Sleazy Joe has been chipping away at student loan debt with a series of executive actions that he hopes will remain under SCOTUS’s radar. The amount canceled by Biden so far is about equal to 9.5 percent of all federal U.S. student debt (which stands at $1.6 trillion), while his previous plan would have been equal to 27 percent.
In case you are math-challenged like me, Joe Biden has unconstitutionally cancelled $153 billion in student loan debt… all in an effort to curry favor with a demographic he desperately needs to win in November. That’s called buying votes with taxpayers’ money, folks… and it’s unethical if not illegal.
In the same manner, President Biden just announced that he is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from a Northeast reserve that was established after Superstorm Sandy devastated the area in 2012. That’s on top of the nearly 40% of America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve that he sold off in 2022 to artificially lower gas prices at the pump prior to the midterms, bringing our country’s stockpile to its lowest levels since the early 1980s.
To put things into proper perspective, our Strategic Petroleum Reserve under President Obama stood at 727 million barrels. Today, in a far more dangerous world with wars raging on multiple continents, we are down to just 351 million barrels… a 45% drop in just three years. Sounds like incompetence bordering on treason to me, but what else would you expect from a 50-year career political hack?
Creepy Joe is counting on voters being so naïve and short-sighted that they will reward his “benevolence” with their vote in November. So what if his desperate, selfish, and poll-driven actions have left the U.S. vulnerable to a disruption of global oil supplies at a time when the war in Gaza is stoking fears of a wider regional conflict that could disrupt fuel shipments from the Middle East?
The bottom line is that, once again, Joe Biden is putting his personal political ambitions above our national security concerns and the overall good of our country. Shame on him and shame on any Americans who fall for his transparent and treasonous duplicity.