America's Dictator-in-Chief
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other brilliant men who wrote the Constitution of the United States must be rolling over in their graves. Why? Because they designed – and our Founders established – a federal government with three co-equal branches: the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch… and now a president with the intellect of a bowl of wax fruit is stomping on that sacred document in a transparent attempt to buy votes and advance his radical political agenda that is destroying America.
Worst of all, the Congress of the United States is letting him get away with it.
On Monday, President Biden traveled to the swing state of Wisconsin to announce that he was forgiving another batch of student loans. The only problem with that announcement is that the Supreme Court of the United States ruled last year that he lacks the constitutional authority to do so. The high court’s reasoning was simple: according to Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 (known as the Appropriations Clause) and Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 (known as the Taxing and Spending Clause), the Congress holds the nation’s purse strings. End of story.
Joe Biden’s response? The Constitution be damned… I’m doing it anyway!
And so, flipping the bird to SCOTUS and our Founding Fathers, our Dictator-in-Chief has “forgiven” $146 billion in federal student loan debt and wants to “forgive” at least another $284 billion. I put “forgive” and “forgiven” in quotation marks because those words are really being used out of context. A more accurate description of President Biden’s unconstitutional actions would be “taxing” and “taxation” because he is simply transferring those debts onto the backs of American taxpayers… none of whom took out those loans, attended a single class, or benefitted from the education they represent.
But according to the “Shyster from Scranton”, it is still the right thing to do. At least that’s what he told the students at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, a bastion of liberalism if there ever was one.
Quite frankly, I think the students should have been insulted by Lunchbucket Joe’s offer because it conveyed the subliminal message that (1) they weren’t intellectually capable of understanding the terms of their loans; and (2) they lack the ability to translate their education into a good-paying job that would enable them to repay their debts.
All that matters to a quintessential career politician like Joe Biden is that he be perceived as caring about poor downtrodden college students… at least until November 5th …even if it takes federal dollars that he cannot constitutionally access to do it.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by such an obvious attempt to buy votes with other people’s money. After all, the Biden Family Crime Syndicate has been selling access and influence for years, feathering Joe’s multi-million-dollar nests in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach in the process.
What will be next, Joe? Paying off people’s car loans in Michigan or offering more subsidies to peanut farmers in Georgia? How about mortgage forgiveness in Pennsylvania and cancelling all gambling debts in Nevada? Let’s see… is there a swing state that I missed?
Oh yeah, free admission to all NASCAR races in North Carolina and a complimentary golf club membership in Arizona. So what if it adds hundreds of billions to our $34 trillion national debt?
Joe Biden’s only concern is getting to the finish line in November and winning the presidential horserace by a neck or a nose, which is why Congress should impeach him now… while he is still in the backstretch.